Falls Church, VA. Land search AT Pro with stock coil and 4’ sniper coil, Pro pointer. About 1 hour.
Pamela called me and left a message. She was visiting a grave site when she lost a very treasured earring. As anyone would do, she searched on her hands & knees for a long time. I called her back and we worked out the time and location to meet. Pamela was on top of everything, she even contacted the cemetery to make sure it was OK to search.
As always, we re-enacted how the item was lost. Having the matching earring allowed me to set the detector to ignore most other targets. I started searching in a small area with a probe, and then a larger area with the stock coil. Despite proper settings, the larger coil was getting too many signals. Within minutes of switching to the sniper, I recovered the earring. When I pulled it out of the grass, I was overwhelmed from the look on Pamela’s face. I am so glad to be able to help people find their treasures. Thanks to Chris Turner, for being a visionary and creating the Ringfinders.
In retrospect I should have started with the 4” coil, but I have had great success on small items in the past with the stock coil. I’m glad I could adapt to the unexpected conditions with the proper equipment. Pamela is a very interesting person who has some professional experience in electromagnetic fields. She expressed interest in learning to metal detect and helping others. Jump on in Pamela, the water’s great:)
If I can be of service, the fastest way to get me is by text at 703-598-1435. I will contact you back ASAP.


in the grass

