Lost Ring... Seal Beach, CA... Found in Sand

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I was visiting my daughter in Seal Beach.  I always do a little detecting before I go to her house so I had my detecting equipment with me. Just as I was leaving to drive back to Newport Beach I received a call from Greg. His fiance, Charlet had found The RingFinders when searching the internet.  He and Charlet were just two blocks away from me on the beach and  Charlet had just lost her engagement ring in the sand while applying sunscreen. I told him not to dig or disturb the sand because it may bury the ring out of range of the detector.  When I got there everybody around them was aware that the ring had been lost and I had a big audience. Charlet pointed out the location where it was dropped and I swung the coil of the detector about four times and there was the ring.  It took less than 20 minutes from the time they called till I found the ring. Charlet and Greg were so greatful and it was very important not to start off their marriage by losing their engagement ring. They will be getting married in two months. It was a pleasure to help them and such a coincident that I was so close when they need my help.. I hope I never get tired of doing this. This wouldn’t really be possible without all the new technology especially the miracle of the internet.


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2 Replies to “Lost Ring… Seal Beach, CA… Found in Sand”

  1. Chris Turner says:

    Fantastic recovery!!! Love the smiles!!! I almost drowned at Seal beach 27 years ago body surfing…

  2. ron phillips says:

    I thought seal beach was OFF limits to detecting….so whats the deal here??
    I wpuld love to do seal beach on my vavcations….week ends and anytime…
    H poo w is you can he away with it???

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