The Ring Finders

  • from Cape Girardeau (Missouri, United States)

Lost wedding band found after 30 years in Lake of the Ozarks
Rose contacted me about looking for her deceased husbands wedding band. It had slipped off his finger while he was swimming by their private dock at their summer home on Lake of the Ozarks. The loss occurred 30 years ago. They had wanted to have someone search for the ring but could think of no one until Rose heard about The Ringfinders.
We came up with a plan to get permission from the current owner of the property, then meet there to search for the ring. I was expecting mud and tree debris on the bottom but there was none. The water clarity and temperature was nice.
I want to commend Rose for thinking to bring pictures of what the search area looked like 30 years ago before the new boat dock was built. With planning and good diving conditions, I found the ring within 30 minutes!
Upon seeing the overwhelming emotion expressed by Rose at that point, I was extremely grateful that I was able to finally connect her with the ring that meant so much to her.

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