Ring lost at Mission Beach found

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

Alison and her family were visiting  other family here in San Diego. They had dinner at a local restaurant near the beach and walked to the boardwalk afterward. Here’s her story….

This is Alison, you helped me a couple weeks ago and here’s the story behind the ring:
My husband, myself and our two young daughters were in San Diego visiting my husbands’ uncle and grandmother. Our 5 year old daughter’s middle name is her great-grandmother’s first name; during this visit her great-grandmother (who we call Neemah) gave her a very special ring. This ring was HER baby ring, gifted to her 87 years ago. She has since worn it on her pinkie finger. This ring is a teeny tiny, thin gold band with a flush set diamond.
My daughter was so excited to wear it, we checked to make sure it would stay securely in her finger and we ventured out for some fresh seafood and sunset at the beach. As we were taking photos, my daughter exclaimed “Oh no! My very special ring. It’s gone!” She had been playing in the sand along the boardwalk and trickling it over the concrete wall. We’re from Colorado, so sand everywhere (no sandbox needed) is an exciting concept for little kids!
We frantically started looking everywhere. Keeping in mind, this is a tiny ring and we are rapidly losing sunlight. I am beyond myself, I could not believe I thought it would be a good idea to let my daughter wear such a sentimental piece of jewelry because it seemed to be securely on her finger. We searched for over an hour, frantically sifting sand inch by inch on the boardwalk side of the wall. So many kind people stopped to help, holding up cell phone flashlights. We then determined it must have fallen as my daughter was trickling sand over the wall. The ring was somewhere ON THE BEACH. We were all devastated. One passerby said her boss reached out to Mark when they lost a ring in the beach. She was even so kind as to pull up The Ring Finders website and Mark’s profile. By this point, it was 8pm. I was desperate but in no way expected Mark to answer his phone AND come immediately to our location.
Within 20 minutes of searching, Mark had successfully located Neemah’s baby ring! Even more impressive is the fact that the boardwalk at this particular beach is concrete – meaning it’s full of rebar. Finding a tiny ring, in the sand, at night, when equipment is picking up signals from rebar is a true testament to Mark’s skill and expertise. He was kind, courteous, prompt and most importantly, helped us recover an invaluable family heirloom. We cannot thank Mark enough!
Yes, it was right up against the steel reinforced sea wall and was found with my pin pointer after using the full size detector failed to find it due to all the interference.
A pleasure to meet you Alison and thank you for the reward.

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