Lost Property Markers Found in Trenton Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

On The Fence……

…Was the feeling that came over Walt as the old privacy fence was removed and a new vinyl one was soon to be installed. He was in agreement with the neighbor about it but still was curious where the property line was. After chatting I agreed to locate the property irons and wanted the neighbor’s approval as well. With that granted I proceeded to examine the old survey drawing for the lot dimensions. On site I turned on my Tesoro Sidewinder metal detector and began scanning. Near the front sidewalk I got a loud signal. Probing with a surveyors pin I felt it scratch the side of a metal object. Digging in and flipping the grass plug revealed the property iron! At the rear of the lot the old property iron was exposed but bent sideways from tree growth near it making it inaccurate to use. Moving to the opposite corner the drawing indicated the property iron was set years ago. Finding that one enabled me to pull a tape measure the correct lot width towards the bent property pin to see where the line really was where the fence was going. By this time the neighbor came out to see how things were going. We all agreed that the new fence was not going to encroach onto Walt’s property. To celebrate, as Walt brought out some beers I said, now that’s a perfect way to mend the fence with the neighbor!……Cheers!


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