Lost White Gold & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Waimanalo Beach...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text from Michelle that read, “Hey I’m on waimanalo beach and have lost my wedding ring. Is that something you help with?”  I immediately called Michelle and found out she was visiting from Salt Lake City, Utah and assisting her father in moving his home on island.  While enjoying the day at Waimanalo Beach, Michelle reached to return hit a volleyball and her White Gold & Diamonds Engagement ring flew off and disappeared in the sand.  After several hours sifting the sand through a box sifter it became obvious they weren’t going to find the ring without a little metal detecting.  I told Michelle I would grab my gear and head over and that they were about 30 minutes away.  When I arrived the first thing I noticed was a box sand sifter and a pile of sand.  They had been working hard but the ring was no where to be found.  I fired up the beast and started a grid search.  First target was a wine bottle cap.  Then I got a solid perfect dot #27 on the VDI and in one deep sccoop there was Michelle’s gorgeous ring.  A few hugs later and the joy on her face proved once again why I love this hobby so much.  Aloha to Michelle!


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