Lost Platinum & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Waimanalo Beach...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This ring find began when I got a text from Josh who was on vacation from Cleveland, Ohio with his Wife Novi & Son Johnathan that said, “Hello.  We lost a ring.”  I asked where and he said “Bagley Beach” which turned out to be Waimanalo Beach which is a bit further South.  Turns out his wife Novi’s ring fell out of a beach bag when her son came ashore after being stung by a Portugese Man-O-War.  Josh shook the sand out of the beach bag not knowing Novi’s Platinum & Diamonds ring was inside.  I was just finishing up work and told them I would run home grab my gear and head over.  It was about 30 minutes from my home.  When I arrived Josh met me and directed me to a parking stall that just opened up.  We headed down to the beach and it’s known for all the metal trash from all the parties that go on there.  Although the area was considerably small I must have dug a dozen targets.  Thankfully too I went out of the grid as the ring sang a nice 15-16 on the Manticore a few feet out of the grid.  Novi was obviously relieved when I pull her ring out of the scoop and said Got it!   A few pleasantries and I was on my way.  Aloha to Novi, Josh & Johnathan!

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One Reply to “Lost Platinum & Diamonds Engagement Ring at Waimanalo Beach…FOUND!!!”

  1. Joshua and Novi Pijor says:

    Thank you so much for finding and returning my ring! Your quick response and dedication were truly remarkable, especially given the challenging circumstances. Your efforts in recovering the ring, despite the metal trash and difficult conditions at Waimanalo Beach, went above and beyond what we could have hoped for.

    When my son Jonathan got stung by a Portuguese Man-O-War, it was a hectic moment, and losing the ring added to our stress. We were incredibly relieved and grateful when you found it. Your persistence, even extending beyond the initial search grid, made all the difference.

    We can’t thank you enough for your help. Your kindness and professionalism turned a stressful situation into a positive story we’ll always remember. Aloha and heartfelt thanks to you!

    Warmest regards, Novi, Josh, and Jonathan

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