Lost Gold Wedding Band at Kokololio Beach Park......FOUND

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

interwoven AU band

Kristina Velez & Husband

I saw a craigslist post of a lost ring at Kokololio Beach Park and replied to it offering ring finder services. Kristina responded by email the next morning and asked how I could find her husband’s ring that she had lost while holding it for him while he took a swim in the ocean. I told her to read my blog then if she was comfortable give me a call and I’d make arrangements to look. Kristina called and was anxious to find her husband’s ring so I talked my wife Wendy into going and told her we could go get prime rib afterwards as it was our 22nd Anniversary. As usual she was cool about it and off we went. We met Kristina at the beach parking lot and she walked me over to the area where she last knew she had the ring. When we arrived on the spot my worst fears came to light the area was littered with bottle caps and other metal trash. We picked up a few pieces of trash on the surface and then I started my grid search. First target brass grommet, second target aluminum tent peg third target BINGO a gorgeous interwoven patterned Gold ring. It took all of about 90 seconds. They’re not always this easy but I got to leave early for that Anniversary dinner and Kristina was elated to have her husband’s ring back. She went on to tell me that everyone else told her a metal detectorist would never find it. Well she held her head high and went off to show them the results with the biggest smile she could make. Aloha to Kristina.

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One Reply to “Lost Gold Wedding Band at Kokololio Beach Park……FOUND”

  1. Chris Turner says:

    Great story and great recovery Joe! Quick find!!!Way to go!

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