Lost Ring? Things To Think Of To Get Your Ring Back (Kingston Ontario)

  • from Kingston (Ontario, Canada)

If You Lost Your Ring? What can you do?

  1. Retrace your steps.
  2. lost your ring at home? Tidy up each room you were in before you noticed it was missing.
  3. Check unusual places. (Like the shower, Or sink drains all over the house) check coat pockets, gloves, hand bags, sweaters and laundry machines, inbetween couch cushions, ect…
  4. For a diamond ring or jewelry item, try turning off the lights and Use a flashlight. Diamond’s will reflect like a mirror when light hits it.
  5. Take a break from looking, re-group, and think about something else (if at all possible) often the place you put your item will come to you when you take your mind off of worrying about it for a while, maybe Ask a friend to lend a fresh pair of eyes to your search.
  6. If your ring is insured, and before you decide to file a claim, call your local Ring Finder specialist. https://theringfinders.com/

If you have not heard about The RingFinders, now’s the time to find one closest to you.The RingFinders.com is a directory of metal detecting specialists with a passion and knowledge for metal detecting. Chances are there is one in your area that you were not completely unaware of.

Ryan and I can be found on the directory, we are detecting specialists with a passion for finding lost items such as cell phones, car keys, and yes, even engagement and wedding rings, or any jewelry for that matter.

Regardless wether you lost your ring at home, or in public, there are some steps to take in order to try and recover your lost item.

  1. Don’t wait to act & remember, the longer you wait the more lost your item becomes.
  2. Retrace your steps. It is important to try and remember as much detail as you can about the time you think you lost your item. (The success rate to find lost items are much higher within the first 24 to 48 hours in our experience, although finding lost items can be found even after several years has passed, however take note that the success rate is much lower in these cases.)
  3. You may wish to contact your local police station, jewellers and pawn shops. Someone may have already turned it in.
  4. If you know about The Ring Finders? Do not hesitate to call us. We love to help & this is what we do.
  5. Lastly if you have exhausted all of the above and still no luck? Replacing a lost ring is a lot easier when you don’t need to pay for it out-of-pocket if all else fails? & If your item is insured, then you can file a claim. I know this doesn’t help to replace the sentimentality of a specific item such as an engagement, or wedding ring, but at the very least the piece itself may be able to get replaced.
  6. https://theringfinders.com/

So, How much does it cost to hire our services through TheRingFinders.com ?

“Based on our services”.

Whether at home, the park, the beach, swimming, hiking, or almost any other outdoor activity you can think of. If you loose a significant or sentimental piece of jewelry? Then consider contacting us, your RingFinders metal detecting specialists


Our detecting service usually work on a reward type basis. Yes we do have a small, non negotiable $40 call out fee. On top of that call out fee, we will work on either a percentage, hourly, or even a reward basis if your item is found and returned.

So what happens if an item cannot be recovered.?

In this scenario, all you would pay for, would be the call out fee of $40, again this is based on our service.

What does the $40 get you.

1st & foremost, the call out fee gets a professional metal detecting specialist to the location where you believe you lost your item.

2nd – we will be brining equipment with us to help assist with the recovery. In many cases we will have somewhere in the range of $1K to $3K in equipment and can be significantly more for water recoveries.

3rd – and even more importantly than brining all the actual gear needed to help find your lost item, we will be bringing years of experience to know how to use the equipment to help recover an item that you are unable to find yourself.

Also remember that we may very well have some distance to travel in order to get to you even before any searching begins. We cover a large area with Kingston being our central location.

I know for Ryan Pugh & I, we will often travel in excess of an hour or more in 1 direction just to get to a clients location. With many successful recoveries. Both Ryan and I will often attend a search together. We do not double the “call out fee” to have both of us on site, even though the customer is getting double the value of the service. So the $40 is to cover expenses and our time that we incur just to get to you so we can help recover an item that we did not loose to begin with. Hence the non negotiable “call out fee”.


If the item is recovered and returned, then a reward should be discussed prior to either of us even leaving our home so that there are no surprises to either party involved once the item is found. We will do our best to work within your budget. We will be asking you several questions to get as much information as possible including what the lost item is worth to you if we should be successful & happen to find it for you?

We are apart of this great organization called The RingFinders, & are here to help. So if you’re in need of a detecting specialist, then don’t hesitate, give us a call today, you’ll be glad you did.

Video of a ring recovery https://youtu.be/1e0Zc462Gi4?si=Mnks2F12zXPKDVDo


2 Replies to “Lost Ring? Things To Think Of To Get Your Ring Back (Kingston Ontario)”

  1. Ken Dewerson says:

    Good information and well presented. I hope you dont mind that I will plagerise your article and rewrite it to suit my location.
    In the 9 items to try and recover your lost item. I will emphazie that they call The Ringfinder first before, it is advertised, and if advertised do not be specific about the loction.
    There are a lot of people out there with no scruples, more than once when reponding to lost item that had been advertised , others had already been to the location and we never did make a recovery.
    Your information will be great help to the loser.
    Thanks for your dedication to The Ringfinders.

  2. James Mathias says:

    Hi Ken, I too have made a few changes to this blog as you can see if you re-read. I made the blog more directed to our site opposed to generalizing the RingFinders. I have no problem with you plagiarizing & conforming it to suit your needs if you’d like. Lol. Thank you for reading and commenting on this. Cheers and happy hunting.

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