I Phone lost in the bay, Harvey Cedars NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Seaside Park (New Jersey, United States)

John called asking about recovering his phone that he dropped in the bay while unloading his boat. He dropped it the night before and knew the general area that it was in.  Besides the phone, his drivers license was in the case also. I arranged to meet him at the house, where we talked out the details, grabbed my equipment, and headed into the water. John stood in one spot acting as one point of reference, and I used the mooring buoy as the other. The bottom was very muddy and covered with weed matter, making the search a little tricky. Working back and fourth, I covered everything between my 2 reference points with no luck, and decided to work a bit between him and the shore line. Winds had shifted from the day before, moving the boat and mooring buoy about 180*, which kinda threw things off a bit. I wondered way out to the right of the mooring to an area that wasn’t covered yet, and bingo, I got the signal I wanted. When I lifted the phone out of the water it was dinging like crazy after it locked onto Wi-Fi. These newer phones are incredibly waterproof.

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