Lost - White Gold Diamond Engagement Ring - Ponce Inlet, FL - FOUND!!!

  • from New Smyrna Beach (Florida, United States)

If you’ve lost a ring or other valuable item in the Daytona Beach, New Smyrna, Ormond area, call Ed at 757-419-0299 for the best chance of having it safely returned to you!  Maybe a class ring lost in your back yard years ago…there still may be hope of finding it…give me a call.

On Father’s Day, my wife Myrna and I were planning to go to her cousin’s home, in DeLand, for a family dinner.  She was getting ready, while I was tending to my pulled calf muscle; injured not-so gracefully entering the pool in a typical, “this is how we use to do cannon balls,” splash.

Just then, I got a text from Abbey.  She said that she was at Ponce Inlet, (just south of Daytona Beach) and had lost her diamond engagement ring in the sand.  I knew that this recovery could be challenging if I had to walk much, but I was determined.

When I got to the beach, I met Abbey and her husband Tyler, and their baby boy Banks.  They had sectioned off a large square of sand where they had found the wedding ring but not the engagement ring.  I could also see lots of hand, finger and scraping marks from their search.  I assured them that if the ring was there, I would find it.

I fired up the Minelab Manticore and began the search.  I got a faint hit outside of the area but continued to the large square and began scanning.  No targets.  I asked them if it could be anywhere else or in the water and they replied, no.  I went back to the initial hit.  It was stronger.  As I dug through the sand, deeper than expected, the sunlight hit the diamonds of the gorgeous ring.

Happy Father’s Day Tyler!!  Hugs all around!  Tyler, Abbey and even the guy in the vehicle south of them came over and gave me a hug!  God is good!

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