Lost Wedding Band @ Cape Henlopen State Park Lewes, Delaware: Found

  • from Lewes (Delaware, United States)

On the evening of 08/30/13, I received a phone call from a gentleman regarding his wife’s lost wedding band. The story was that they had spent the day at Herring Point Beach located at the south end of Cape Henlopen State Park Beach in Lewes, Delaware. The gentleman’s wife had taken her two rings off and placed them in a small bag while at the beach. The smaller bag was then placed in a larger bag. Upon arriving back home it was discovered that both rings had fallen out of the smaller bag. The engagement ring was found inside of the larger bag and the wedding band was missing completely. It was thought that the wedding band may have fallen out into the front yard when the towels that were in the larger bag had been shaken out to remove the sand from them. I responded to the home where I check front yard and was unable to locate the wedding band. It was then decided to search the beach were the couple had been earlier in the day. I agreed to meet the gentleman at Herring Point Beach at 6:30 am on 08/31/13. Upon arriving at the beach the next morning I was shown the area where the couple had spent their time the day before. The sand was still smooth from where they had set up a large tent. I started the search using the smooth sand as a guide for the search. I made one pass and turned around to begin another. I got about halfway through my second pass when I heard that tone through my headphones that signaled “Gold”. I recovered the ring and presented it to the gentleman. I learned that the ring was an antique, it belonged to his wife’s mother and it had the names of her mother and father engraved inside of it. Another successful search in the books!

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