Lost Diamond Ring…Found at Butler’s Orchard in Gaithersburg, Maryland

Liana’s Beautiful Diamond Engagement Ring Posing Amongst the Blueberries!

Casey Holding His Fiance Liana’s Most Gorgeous Engagement Ring!
A young lady named Liana contacted me one morning with desperation in her voice. She explained to me that she and her fiancé, Casey, spent the afternoon at Butler’s Orchard, located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. They were picking blueberries and enjoying their time together until Liana noticed that her lovely 14 karat yellow gold,1 carat diamond solitaire engagement ring was missing from her finger.
The couple was placing blueberries in their bucket somewhere in the blueberry bush field when Liana realized what had gone missing. Of course, the couple was very alarmed by this and immediately they began their search back at the car and then worked their way around the field, looking between each row of blueberry bushes, hoping to find one of their most cherished possessions. They tried desperately to retrace Liana’s steps in order to figure out where the ring may have fallen off of her finger. She knew that she had been wearing it to the orchard because Liana clearly remembered having it on her finger upon arriving at the blueberry bush field. Also, the couple shared with me that Liana had returned to the car sometime during their picking time in order to refresh her skin with a wet wipe. She in turn moisturized her fingers with another wipe and they believed that perhaps that is what caused the ring to easily slip off Liana’s finger somewhere in the orchard.
After searching long and hard, the couple had to call it quits for the day because the orchard was closing soon. They let the staff know that Liana’s ring was lost and inquired as to whether or not someone else had found it and reported it to the office. Sadly, no such claim was documented. Liana and Casey had to leave the orchard empty-handed and greatly hoped that the ring might be recovered the following day.
That evening, Liana and Casey looked online to see if there was a way they could rent a metal detector to assist in their search the next morning. While they were browsing the net, they stumbled across the elite international metal detecting service directory called THE RING FINDERS. It was at that moment that they thought to themselves that perhaps it would be best to have a professional do the work for them! They checked to see if there was a metal detecting service in Gaithersburg, Maryland that could help them and they found my name, Brian Rudolph. I was so very happy that they contacted me, and soon they would be extremely happy, as well!
I will never forget the sound of Liana’s voice, expressing how sad she was to have lost her diamond ring. It meant everything to her. The couple was already dealing with the huge disappointment of having to postpone their wedding due to the horrific Covid-19 pandemic. And then this had to happen! I asked Liana and Casey every question in the book so that I had the full story as to when she was wearing the ring last and what might have happened to that very special keepsake of hers.
Not only was I thrilled to help the couple out, but I also thought it would be fun to return to my most favorite orchard in Maryland! Every year since our children were very small, my wife and I took the family to pick blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, and of course pumpkins during the annual October festival. It was definitely a family affair every year! Now, I had the opportunity to help some people find one of their most cherished pieces of property that was lost out in the same field where I had picked blueberries with my own family so many years earlier! This was quite nostalgic indeed.
As soon as I got all the facts about what had happened, I recognized that we had a very small window of time to recover this ring before someone else might find it and perhaps keep it for their very own. I hate to think that people are like this, but from my personal experience with finding rings, this is more common than one might think. Because Liana and Casey were so desperate for my help, I decided to head out to the orchard immediately. I literally threw some clothes on, grabbed all of my gear for a scheduled search later that afternoon, loaded up my car with necessary equipment that I needed for the blueberry bushes and thunder bolted my way out to my favorite orchard in Gaithersburg, Maryland!
That summer morning was just perfect. Though it was quite hot outside, the day could not have been more picture-perfect. As I drove through the fields on the dirt road that took me to the blueberry bushes, I reflected back on all of those very special memories of being out there with my family and enjoying those days of wonder and amusement. I also thought to myself just how fast time marches on now that all three children are grown adults and a couple of them have children of their very own!
Once I got to the search site, a couple of staff members guided me over to the area where Liana and Casey had been searching for their lost ring the day before. They felt very bad for the couple as they described to me how long they searched and how emotional the whole ordeal was for Liana.
I contacted Casey to let him know that I had arrived and he said that he would be joining me shortly. In the meantime, I took out all of my metal detecting equipment and began the search along the grassy area beside the road (which was adjacent and parallel to where the blueberry bushes were lined up). My biggest obstacles were the visitor’s cars that were parked along the grassy shoulder. This was the same area where the couple parked the day before. Vehicle after vehicle started showing up and began parking on the grass, perhaps 4 to 5 feet from where the first row of blueberry bushes began. This made detecting very difficult for me because I was not able to effectively search the parking area. All of the alloy wheels and other metal parts on the cars would easily end up “masking” any small item made of precious metal that might be lying in the grass, near or below where the cars were parked. Therefore, I was only able to detect an isolated strip of territory before entering the blueberry field. If I didn’t find the ring in the blueberry bushes, I planned to search more of the grass once the cars would exit away from the field.
Though I picked up a few decent targets as I moved across the grassy section where the cars were parked, I was not able to find Liana’s yellow gold diamond ring. When I completed that section, I still was not convinced that the ring was not lying somewhere beneath one of the vehicles, but that would have to wait for the time being.
Next, I put down a few soccer cones on either end of the sections where the couple had been picking blueberries and I would use this measurement to grid back and forth down the rows of blueberry bushes. I searched in between each of the plants and I moved the detector coil around each of them, making certain that there were no rings underneath the berries and surrounding territories. Each row that I grid searched was probably about 50 yards in length and it took quite a while to complete one side of the row. When I made it to the other side of the bushes, I would then begin searching in between and around them as well until I reached the other end. I would then start a new row after that.
At some point, Casey arrived at the scene and he confirmed that I was searching the correct area and that he seemed pretty confident that my gridlines were long enough, so as not to miss any of the search zone. He also pointed out that he and Liana picked blueberries in the first five rows of bushes starting from those closest to the parking area. This was extremely helpful because we could narrow our focus quite a bit and not have to wonder if we were missing any important territories.
The two of us investigated the real estate row by row, diligently moving about, hoping to recover this most priceless and sentimental keepsake. I used my 15 inch coil at the end of my detector shaft which allowed me to cover more territory much quicker than any other metal detector coil. Though Casey didn’t have a machine to use to detect metal, he carefully moved about looking between and around each and every blueberry bush.
I remember how hot it was getting in that later part of the morning and then into the early afternoon hours. Every 45 minutes or so, I would take a short break to hydrate myself due to the conditions outside on that spectacular summer day. I thought to myself just how blessed I was to be out in that field helping this couple and enjoying the peaceful and most serene environment! I could not have had it any better! Well, with one exception…if I could recover the engagement ring!
Occasionally Casey and I would intersect with one another during our search endeavors and I encouraged him to not give up. Even though I was getting closer to the end of the fifth row of blueberry bushes, I told him that I find rings for people at the very last moment before I run out of property to search. He appreciated my encouragement and continued on with the hope that the jewel would be discovered. Just as we were talking, we realized that the time was approaching when most of the cars that had been parked along the grass line would be leaving and it would be a perfect opportunity for me to metal detect the grassy section adjacent to the paved road.
As I shared earlier, Liana and Casey had convey to me over the phone that Liana had returned to the vehicle at some point to cool off and wipe her brow with a couple of wipes. She remembered cleaning her fingers with a wipe and it was possible that the ring had slipped off of her finger just as she was getting out of the car to return to blueberry picking with her fiancé. I had asked if maybe she put her beloved treasure on her lap (as many people do when they are lathering their hands with lotion and then forget to put their rings back on their fingers before getting out of the vehicle). Liana believed that she did put the ring back on her finger, but it was possible that the wet wipe helped to lubricate the finger well enough that it might have slipped right off of her hand.
Once I was certain that Liana’s ring was nowhere to be found in and around the five rows of blueberry bushes where the couple had been the day before, I took my gear over to the roadside and began detecting as quickly as I could because new cars would be arriving shortly. Casey moved in the opposite direction and continued his search somewhere farther down the field, just in case he incorrectly estimated where they had been picking their blueberries.
I finished one long strip of grass, which was just overlapping where I had been searching earlier in the late morning hours when I first arrived. I still did not come up with any diamond ring. I then started my next grid line which would be very close to where the right wheels of all of the vehicles were once parked. Still, no ring turned up. I had two more long gridlines left to do before I had no other places to search.
I moved across the parking area and eventually was swinging the detector completely over the territory where the vehicles would have covered the grass below. I would not have been able to detect any of that territory earlier in the day due to all of the parked cars that were stationary at the time. I got to the end of that grid line and I knew at that point that I would be starting my final pass, leaving nothing unsearched. As I had been doing, I moved parallel with the blueberry bush field, carefully making my way across that last section. To make things even more complicated, a car drove by me and started to park in the area that I was about to detect! I was hoping that I could make it all the way to the end of my grid line before other cars would cover the only remaining territory that could have possibly concealed Liana’s cherished ring.

Casey and Liana’s Car Parked Close to the Same Area Where the Ring was Recovered.
Just as I was about 5 to 10 feet away from the car that had just parked in front of my grid line, I got a very promising signal below! I had been getting hits here and there but nothing panned out to being Liana’s lost ring. However, this signal was just exactly what I wanted to hear and what I wanted to read on my detector screen. ‘What would be the odds that I may have found the keepsake within feet of the end of my final grid line?’ I asked myself within. I knelt down and used my hand-held metal detector to search in between the blades of grass that were surrounded by patches of dirt here and there. Just as my fingers rummaged through that one area, I got a glimpse of the most beautiful sight of gold and a big bright sparkling diamond attached! I couldn’t believe what was happening! Yet, I could believe it because I have found numerous items at the very last second of my search attempts and this one would be added to that same ring recovery history book! I did it! I found Liana’s missing diamond ring! I couldn’t wait to surprise Casey with this absolutely fantastic discovery! Apparently, Liana’s ring had slipped off of her finger just as she was leaving her car after cleansing her hands. The jewel was found around the area where the couple’s car must have been parked. Earlier, the vehicle that was parked there would have been literally on top of the ring and I would have never been able to detect it in that location! I was so happy that I had returned to that grassy section to explore its possibilities of what may have been hiding below!
The worn out fellow started walking towards me as I stood beside the spot where I found the ring. It was shortly after his arrival that I revealed to Casey the most wonderful news! In turn, Liana would be pleasantly surprised upon her fiancé’s return home from the orchard! The bride-to-be would be receiving back her most beautiful sentimental engagement ring, found by the one whom they had entrusted with this so very important search! She was beyond surprised, thrilled at the recovery, and extremely grateful for my work!
Finding Liana’s beautiful diamond ring only added to the many sentimental pages of memories that I had been a part of making and had written about in my personal journals over the years. I must admit that this happy-ending-story would truly fit well with all of the other special times experienced and cherished at our beloved Butler’s Orchard in Gaithersburg, Maryland!
If you would like to view the SEARCH VIDEO and the fantastic RING REVEAL pertaining to this search, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and you will be notified when the search video is uploaded onto YouTube.
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