metal detecting service Vienna Virginia Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Engagement Ring During Softball Game…Found by Brian Rudolph in Vienna, Virginia

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Emily’s rose gold 1 carat diamond engagement ring which almost was lost forever had it not been for THE RING HERO Brian Rudolph.

Emily happily shares her beloved rose gold and multiple diamond engagement ring which ring finder Brian Rudolph found near the softball field backstop where Emily had been sitting.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Emily called me in a state of panic because she had lost her two most important personal material possessions: her rose gold 1 carat diamond engagement ring with multiple diamonds surrounding the center stone and all around the band along with her rose gold wedding band with multiple diamonds which nests together with the engagement ring.

Emily shared with me that she had searched for several days looking for her two most important material possessions in the world but all of her efforts led to no avail. The two main areas she looked was at home (where she applied lotion to her child) and along side the softball field where she watched her daughter play her game.

My client did all of the right things but still came up way short of finding the rings. She looked all around the house and nothing was found. She then got a metal detector from a friend and scanned all of the areas where she had been sitting, walking around and taking photos with her phone. Still nothing. She gave the metal detector to several other people and they also could not recover her precious jewelry.

Finally, Emily heard about THE RING FINDERS from somebody on a community forum and immediately reached out to me. I asked her all the questions that I needed answers to in order for me to assess the situation. We then agreed to meet out by the softball field early that evening.

While I drove to the search site to meet up with Emily and her father-in-law, I received a call from my client expressing second thoughts about attempting a recovery of the rings. I asked her why and she shared that after talking with her husband, he suggested that they let go of the search idea and just file an insurance claim. I told Emily that I didn’t understand the reasoning because there was no risk on their part other than my travel fee. And if I did find the rings they would remit the reward value indicated on a form which I had Emily fill out in advance of the search. An amount that we ring finders ask to be fair and reasonable.

I reminded Emily that these were her very rings that her husband Tyler placed on her finger at the moment that she was proposed to and during the wedding ceremony when Emily said, “I do”. I asked, “Why would you not try one more time by hiring a professional ring finder like myself to see if those rings were still there or never there in the first place?” After some more dialogue back and forth between us, Emily decided to move forward with the search!

When we met up at the softball field, Emily introduced me to her father-in-law Steve (who was also unsuccessful metal detecting the grassy areas) and she showed me all of the places where she had been during her daughter’s game. I then got busy by laying grid lines down on the grass right next to the softball field and then began my metal detecting project.

Even though there was a lot of metal that was scattered about on the surface and below the dirt, I am excited to share that I recovered Emily’s beautiful rose gold and diamond filled engagement ring! I found it in the location where she had been sitting on a blanket and had applied sunscreen to her little one during the game. When the game was over, her friend picked up the blanket (not knowing that Emily forgot to put her rings back on) and the irreplaceable keepsake ended up lost in the grass!

Emily and Steve were so very happy to see that amazing looking rose gold and diamond treasure back on Emily’s finger! She was so grateful for my work and my client was beyond happy that she had ultimately decided to listen to my plea to not cancel the search but to allow me to metal detect the area just to make certain of whether or not it was there or not! Yes, she was very grateful that I lobbied hard to convince Emily to keep with the vision in having me help her find her so very special rings! Indeed, my client truly made the right choice in the end and her husband Tyler was also glad that his wife didn’t listen to his advice to “abandon ship”!

Emily had to leave the school yard to take her husband on a birthday getaway. So Steve stayed with me and I continued to search for the missing rose gold and diamond wedding ring.

(This concludes PART 1 of the search. Stay tuned for the conclusion of this wonderful ring search story!)


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Wife Loses Husband’s Wedding Band at Vienna, Virginia Private School…Found by Detectorist Brian Rudolph

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that professional ring finder Brian Rudolph successfully recovered after hours of metal detecting.

Metal detectorist Brian Rudolph holds up Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that was found at one of the possible search sites where wife Katie potentially lost the irreplaceable keepsake.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Katie was given Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band to keep safe while he headed to the hospital for a medical procedure. She decided to wear the special jewel on her index finger as she drove one child to a Vienna, Virginia private school and the other one to an Oakton, Virginia dance studio. By the time Katie completed her drop-offs, she stopped at a Starbucks drive thru to buy a cup of coffee and it was there that she realized that her husband’s very handsome wedding ring was no longer on her finger!

In a panic, the poor wife who had been entrusted with Tommy’s irreplaceable keepsake, first checked her car to see if it slipped off her finger and dropped to the floor or fell between the seats. Then, when nothing was found, she quickly
headed back to her daughter’s nearby dance studio. When nothing panned out there, she returned to her son’s day school campus to see if she could find the lost band somewhere near the drop-off gate entrance and at the school’s designated donation station where Katie handed some bags of clothes to one of the teachers. Unfortunately, the perplexed young lady had no success in recovering Tommy’s wedding day “souvenir”.

After the Oakton, Virginia spouse spent another couple of frustrating days searching for the ring in the same places as before, Katie had no choice but to leave her information about the missing ring with the school, the dance studio and at the Starbucks. A “lost and found” bulletin went out to all of the day school program parents just in case somebody happened to pick up the precious piece of property sometime later that week. Still, there was no happy breakthrough or positive leads that became of all of her diligent efforts to retrieve the runaway ring.

Katie felt very guilty for losing her spouse’s special “symbol of love”. So much so that she began looking online to rent a metal detector to further her efforts. During her search on the internet, the desperate young lady happened to stumble upon a metal detectorist directory called THE RING FINDERS – an elite international database of ring finding specialists who enjoy solving mysteries just like this one. Katie contacted me and filled me in on the entire story regarding the loss of Tommy’s ring.

Even though this particular search project did not look too promising in regards to a successful recovery (since the loss of the ring appeared to have taken place in one of three public environments), I was greatly up for the challenge and I couldn’t wait to start the search the very next morning.

When I arrived at the private school in Vienna, Virginia, I first searched Katie’s vehicle with some special search equipment. Though it was extremely cold outside with a chilling temperature of 32° Fahrenheit, I was determined to conduct a thorough investigation for Tommy’s missing ring. I ended up concluding that the band was not lost in the car.

Next, my client showed me where she walked and dropped off her little boy at the outdoor playground fence gate. Katie clearly remembered holding his lunch bag with one hand and struggling to release her young one with the other hand due to the boy having an emotionally difficult morning. We then walked over to another side of the property where my client had deposited her give-a-ways out by a designated outdoor donation station.

I held off doing any searching at the school premises until Katie oriented me over to the Oakton, Virginia dance studio and at the local Starbucks where she realized Tommy’s ring was no longer on her finger. I metal detected and scanned both of those potential search sites and unfortunately there was no sign of the wedding band at either one of those two locations.

Once I finished checking out the Starbucks drive-thru area, I returned to the school and immediately began setting up my grid tapes out on the parking lot. I first wanted to check the concrete pavement to see if the ring fell off of Katie’s finger during the time that she either carried her child to the drop off site or if it went missing while taking the bags of clothes over to the donation station. The purpose in checking the parking lot first was because later that day the entire area would be filled with cars due to an afternoon function. I wanted to make sure that I had full access to every square inch of that blacktop before visitors began to show up.

I spent at least a couple of hours out in the bitter cold weather grid searching almost the entire parking lot of the school. It was a lot of territory. The reason why I did the majority of the concrete was because the ring was heavy and it was quite possible that if it fell off, it could have rolled down the parking lot since it was on a decline. When I completed that task, I was 100% confident that the ring was not on the parking lot pavement. This did not mean that someone had already eyeballed it and picked it up sometime the last couple of days.

Next, I took my metal detector over to the patch of ground where Katie dropped off her son with the school staff. It was the last place to check before I had to wrap up the search. There were leaves and little clumps of grass here and there around the outside of the fenced in area. Not only had Katie searched that particular section already, but plenty of other parents and teachers who had gotten word about the disappearance of Tommy’s precious sentimental piece of jewelry also scanned over that same territory. Up to that point nothing was discovered by any of the good Samaritans in this particular “hot zone”. Yet, I never base my search strategies on escaping the odds. One must search everywhere just in case the lay person happens to miss the obvious areas. That’s why it’s so pertinent that people reach out to a professional metal detectorist like myself instead of trying to do the search on their own.

Well, I am so very happy to share that after metal detecting the area near the fence line where Katie dropped off her son, I eventually picked up a wonderful target signal coming from underneath some leaves over to the left of the chain link fence entrance gate. I knelt down to the ground and took out my handheld metal detector to pinpoint the exact location of where my machine detected the signal. After removing a few leaves, there it was!… I found it! Right in front of my eyes was the very handsome white and rose gold wedding band that I had been searching for for the last few hours! I did it! I successfully recovered Tommy’s lost ring! With all of the foot traffic coming and going at that drop off point, nobody ever eyeballed the long sought after “symbol of love”! Incredible! It was lying there under a few leaves for a number of days and yet It was never recovered by anyone!

When I surprised Tommy and Katie with the great news, the couple immediately reacted as if they both were in a state of shock when I pulled Tommy’s lost wedding band out of my pocket! As I handed them the irreplaceable wedding memento, the two couldn’t believe what they were staring at! Even though Katie grabbed a hold of whatever hope she could muster up when she initially hired me to search for the missing keepsake, the young lady admitted that she didn’t think that they would ever see that very special ring ever again! I am so glad that at the end of this special ring story… I was able to prove my client’s intuition to be quite wrong! I love it when it works out that way!


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Lost Platinum Wedding Band in Grass and Leaves…Found in Vienna, Virginia Due to Jon Cryer Twitter Posts

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Ash’s Special Platinum Wedding Band Recovered by Ring Finder, Brian Rudolph

Ash’s Brilliant Smile Expresses the Jubilant Feelings Experienced Within as the Client Once Again Holds His Most Precious Possession Following Rudolph’s Successful Search and Recovery Efforts!


While I was driving to a night search for a missing ring in Arlington, Virginia, I received an email from a gentleman named Ash who lost his platinum wedding band sometime earlier in the day. He was in the backyard of his uncle’s house playing with the kids when he realized that his beloved wedding ring was no longer on his finger. He searched for several hours including raking up all of the leaves that were on the ground with the hope that the handsome halo would magically appear. Unfortunately, all of Ash’s efforts led to no avail and in the end he was quite perplexed and frustrated with not finding the irreplaceable ring.

Just as Ash was about to surf online for a local metal detecting service to help him with the search, he remembered reading a recent Twitter feed by famous actor Jon Cryer of the television show called Two and a Half Men. While Mr. Cryer was filming Supergirl up in Vancouver, Canada, he lost his own wedding band while taking a stroll on his day off. He contacted THE RING FINDER’S founder and CEO, Chris Turner, who lives close to where the ring was lost, and he miraculously found the actor’s wedding band in the most unlikely place. Mr. Cryer immediately tweeted the story of how Mr. Turner had found his ring! Following his incredible account of how his wedding band was returned to his finger, thousands around the world began reading about the elite international metal detectorist directory and Chris Turner’s amazing recovery of Cryer’s lost ring. Like a stone that is thrown into a pool of water, the ripple effect took place where hundreds of Cryer followers on Twitter began reaching out to ring finders throughout the world! As mentioned above, upon reading Cryer’s tweet, Ash did the very same thing by reaching out to me for help.

As soon as Ash looked me up on THE RING FINDER’S website, he sent me an email which I quickly responded to soon after I saw the notification come through to my phone. This led to a phone conversation about the lost ring and we immediately set up an appointment for me to come out to his uncle’s place around 7:30 AM the next morning.

At 6:45 AM the next day, I was in the car driving to Ash’s uncle’s house located in Vienna, Virginia. As soon as I arrived, Ash greeted me and we both took a walk to the backyard where he was pretty convinced his ring had slipped off of his finger. I could see the pile of leaves that Ash had raked up when he was searching for the missing band the previous day. He then showed me all of the places in the yard that he had been walking around and I took note of all of the possibilities of where the ring could have fallen in the grass. It was a fairly large backyard, but in my mind I compartmentalized the different sections that I needed to search and I prioritized the order of what areas would receive the most attention upon starting the search. After I finished all of my questions, I returned back to my vehicle where I got out all my necessary equipment and returned once again to the backyard to begin the search and recovery effort.

The first section that I began to metal detect was located around a trampoline that was set up towards the left side of the yard. There were metal legs that I needed to search around and I was very careful to make sure that I did not miss any real estate that was situated near the metal poles. Once I cleared the parameter of where the trampoline was located, I moved closer and closer to the center of the yard where I created grid lanes for me to follow across the property for approximately 10 minutes or so. Unfortunately, I did not hit any potential target signals during that time of detecting and so I moved my search to the next area which was to swing my machine around and on top of the leaf pile that Ash had gathered up the day before.

Even though my client didn’t find his priceless keepsake upon exerting much effort with raking up all of the leaves and debris that may have covered up the ring, I have enough experience to never discount the possibility that a fairly large men’s ring could still have escaped the eyes of its owner. Therefore, I made sure to swing my metal detector over the entire area that Ash had primarily focused on. Because my client concluded that the ring was not in the parameter of where he gathered up all of the leaves with his rake, he was thinking that perhaps the band slipped off his finger and traveled on a 45° angle behind him. I was quite impressed with his theory that he may have lost his favorite jewel on the back swing motion because most of my clients would never consider that that could even be a possibility. I planned on investigating the area behind the gathered up leaf and debris pile if I failed to recover the ring underneath or around that consolidated mountain of autumn’s remaining leftovers.

As it turned out, just a minute or two after I swung my coil over the leaf and debris pile, I hit a beautiful target signal coming from one of the clusters of gathered-up leaves. The tone that I was getting from the mystery object sounded perfect to my ears! There was a certain bounce to the target signal that pretty much convinced me that I had found Ash’s lost platinum wedding band! During this search segment, my client was in his uncle’s house visiting his family. This gave me the perfect opportunity to quickly get down on my knees and inspect the target signal without Ash seeing me search the curious piece of metal (I wanted to surprise him if I indeed found what I was looking for). I immediately took out my handheld detector called a pinpointer which helped me to close-in on the exact spot of where the target was hiding. As I cleared the leaves and grass out of the way, there it was – Ash’s extremely handsome and sentimental piece of platinum! It had been buried under the leaves the whole time, just waiting for me to find it and return the sentimental jewel back to its rightful owner! I could not have been happier for my client, and I was even more delighted to surprise Ash with my encouraging find! The gentleman could not have been more grateful for my successful search efforts! The moment I revealed the prize find, we both celebrated together in Ash’s uncle’s backyard, right at the very place where he had spent all of those hours searching for one of his most priceless life possessions!

I love helping people recover their lost symbols of love and there’s not a search that I don’t enjoy the process of doing everything possible to return what is impossible for someone else to find! Ash’s platinum wedding band is certainly no exception to that passionate mandate that I live out day after day…search after search…recovery after recovery!


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Couple Searches for Lost Engagement Ring for Two Months…Found by Ring Finder in Vienna, Virginia House

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Beth’s Most Precious Material Possession Found by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph

Donn Proudly Displaying the Platinum Diamond Engagement Ring that he Offered to Beth on the Day of His Proposal!


I was delighted to receive a phone call from a gentleman named Donn who was desperate in trying to solve a mystery regarding his wife’s lost engagement ring. Two months earlier, the couple was sitting on their couch located in their screened-in garden room enjoying their evening together. This particular section of the house was built on top of the existing backyard deck. Beth was drinking a glass of wine while she was fiddling around with her engagement ring. At some point, the ring slipped out of her hand and disappeared between two sections of the couch right next to where she was sitting. The two of them saw the ring fall somewhere below, but upon searching for the precious sentimental keepsake, their extensive efforts led to no avail. Beth and Donn were completely perplexed as to why they could not locate the ring anywhere in the garden room.

Days of searching turned into weeks and weeks of looking eventually turned into a couple of months. They did everything possible to recover the 1.5 carat diamond solitaire platinum engagement ring with baguette diamonds. They disassembled each section of the couch and even pulled all of the furniture away from the screened-in wall which faced the back of the property. When they couldn’t find Beth’s most priceless possession, they explored underneath the deck with a metal detector to determine whether or not the ring may have slipped through the deck boards and ended up somewhere on the ground below. Still, nothing was found. They kept scratching their heads even more than when they first tried to find the ring on the night of its disappearance.

When all of Donn and Beth’s efforts failed to recover the lost engagement ring, the couple immediately went to the internet in search of an answer. They started googling how to find a lost ring and that’s when the first part of their solution popped up on the screen. They found THE RING FINDER’S website, which is an international directory of metal detectorists who specialize in finding lost rings and other items for people just like Donn and Beth. They had no idea that such a network existed and they couldn’t wait to connect with their local ring finder closest to where they resided in Vienna, Virginia. It turned out that my name popped up as one of the specialists who serves the Vienna, Virginia area. They decided to contact me soon after they looked over my profile and were sold on my abilities and passion for a search such as this one.

Once I got all of the facts regarding the disappearance of Beth’s engagement ring, Donn and I set up a time for me to come out and attempt a recovery of the lost item. I couldn’t wait to be given an opportunity to solve this cold case and return the beautiful diamond ring to the finger that it so rightfully belonged to.

A couple of days later, I drove to Donn and Beth’s lovely house in Vienna, Virginia. When I arrived, Donn immediately took me around the back of the house where the screened-in garden room was located. We went up a few steps to the deck and then walked over to the door that led into the extended portion of the house. As I indicated earlier, the room was constructed on top of the existing deck boards. Therefore, when I looked down towards the boards, I could see the original deck flooring below me. The couple had concluded that the ring must have fallen in a gap of two of the deck boards and disappeared somewhere below. The only problem with that theory was that I couldn’t find any two boards that gave a large enough gap for such a ring to fall through.

Per my request, the couple reenacted the moment when Beth lost her ring and they showed me the exact spot where she was sitting and drinking wine when the ring slipped from her fingers. Beth even showed me how the couch could be disconnected into more than one section. It was then that I realized that there was no place for the ring to fall into the interior of that section of furniture. They told me that everything was exactly the way it was when the ring disappeared except for an area rug that was added in recent weeks. That one addition to the room did not complicate the present situation regarding this mystery. In fact, by them laying down the new carpet, it gave the couple a chance to move the furniture out of the way once more and search for the ring with additional detail in mind. Unfortunately, they still couldn’t find the jewel anywhere in the room.

Once I finished examining the “scene of the crime”, Donn guided me around the yard and took me under the deck just below the screened-in garden room. I observed a lot of dirt and patches of grass and I thought to myself how easy it would be for someone to eyeball a platinum ring in that particular environment. Donn shared how he tried metal detecting that whole section below the garden room and came away empty-handed, of course. Upon seeing that area below, I decided I wanted to search the garden room first before detecting the ground. Donn questioned why I chose to do the search in that order, and I explained to him that it seemed more likely that the ring may have never left the screened-in room. It was quite possible that they just didn’t see it while moving things around and unrolling the new area rug. I could tell that my client may have been questioning my thought process on the matter, but I felt confident in my decision to attack the room first and then head down below if all else failed.

Once I finished observing the area below the screened-in room, I returned to my car where I pulled out all of the necessary equipment that I would be using for the in-house search and for metal detecting below the garden room on the ground level. I then made my way back to the screened-in room to begin my search. Beth went into the house to connect with her work on a business conference call and Donn hung out around where I was starting to move pieces of furniture.

My first task was to move the couch forward towards the middle of the room so that I would have better access behind the area where the couch was originally situated. Once I pushed it forward, I got behind it and began looking on the floor for any sign of Beth’s beloved ring. It is at this point in the story that I have to share my endless level of excitement and surprise each and every time that I recount this particular search story to clients and friends! This is what happened: Within 10 seconds of looking for the couple’s lost marital keepsake, I was surprisingly able to recover Beth’s gorgeous diamond engagement ring just after moving the couch out of the way! When I got behind the couch, I moved a panel of drapes over to one side by just a few inches (making sure the ring didn’t end up underneath the puddle of fabric) and there it was – the precious ring! Beth’s gorgeous diamond platinum engagement ring was just sitting there waiting for one of us to discover it underneath the draperies! I literally found the keepsake in mere seconds! I discovered the ring so quickly that I couldn’t even believe what my eyes were staring at! I thought it was just too good to be true, but in fact it really was the jewel and the search had ended almost as fast as it had begun!

The excitement of finding the lost treasure was building up within me and I couldn’t wait to surprise Beth and Donn following my awesome discovery! Apparently, the couple had looked everywhere except underneath the draperies. It was just one of those simple answers that sometimes gets overlooked. We never think that a seemingly complicated search could actually have such a simple answer in solving the mystery! This happened to be one of those cases where it just took a third person with “ring search” experience and a fresh pair of eyes and hands to uncover the precious and beloved keepsake!

I must say that the couple was blown away upon hearing where I found the ring and how quickly I was able to return the special item back to the elated young lady! I told them not to be embarrassed by the simplicity of where the ring had been hiding all that time and to remember how blessed they were that the disappearance of their very special piece of jewelry wasn’t more complicated than it could have turned out to be!

After leaving Donn and Beth’s place, I returned to my car and immediately called THE RING FINDER’S founder and CEO, Chris Turner, to share this fantastic search and recovery story with him. He was so tickled to hear the details of where I ended up finding Beth’s ring and how quickly the search was wrapped up inside the couple’s screened-in garden room. I will never forget Chris’ proud voice and the words he shared with me following my account of the Vienna, Virginia search. He excitedly pronounced, “Well Brian, welcome to the 10 Second Club!“ I laughed and thanked Chris for his encouragement regarding my success in finding the ring so quickly!

I must say that other than the greatest thrill of recovering such a special item for Beth and the speed in which I did so, it was knowing that in being a proud member of THE RING FINDERS, my “cherry on top” moment was to become a new inductee into THE RING FINDER’S “unofficial” 10 Second Club that Chris Turner welcomed me into that afternoon!


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