Lost Ring North Myrtle Beach SC Tag | Page 3 of 4 | The Ring Finders

14K Man’s White Gold Wedding Band Lost in the Sand, Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

My wife and I had just arrived at our oldest daughter’s house to see our three granddaughters for an afternoon of fun. As we’re walking in the front door, I heard my daughter, who was on her phone, say; “Hold on, he just walked in the door.” As she’s handing me her phone, she says it’s one of her co-workers, Sandra who had a lady in her office reporting a lost ring. When I talked to Sandra, she informed me that a young couple had lost his wedding band in the sand in front of the resort, and the young lady was extremely upset. I got a description of the lady making the report (tall, blonde hair, and wearing a cowboy hat). I told Sandra I’d be there in 15 minutes. Luckily, I had thrown my PI machine in the trunk before we left home because I had intentions of hitting low tide after we left our daughter’s house.

After finding a place to park, I walked out on the beach looking for a tall blonde wearing a cowboy hat, and not seeing one. As I’m walking down the beach, I see a young man walking towards me with a big smile on his face. He asked if I was there to find a ring when I said yes, he introduced himself as Rob and he leads me up the beach to the soft sand. As I’m walking up, I see his wife, Anna, who is about six months pregnant and crying, sitting in the sand running her hand back and forth over the top of the sand, trying desperately to find his ring. Their story was that his ring was sitting on a towel and when she picked up the towel to shake it, his ring went flying. Rob showed me the small area and on my second grid line, BANG! When I got the signal I looked over at them and smiled, they knew. I let Rob reach in the scoop and get his ring back. Now Anna’s tears were tears of joy.

Rob and Anna – thank you for trusting me to find your lost ring and the very best to you two and your new addition!


10K Clemson College Ring Lost in a Golf Course Pond – Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach, SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On February 13th, I received a phone call from Ryan asking if I could help retrieve his Clemson ring he lost, the day before, in a pond on a private golf course. My first question was, “are there any alligators?” He assured me there wasn’t, and went on to say that he lost it throwing a ball in the pond for his dog to fetch. He also said the ring was in about 6 to 8 foot of water. I told him I was up for the challenge, but I wasn’t a diver. However, my son-in-law, Donnie was, and I’m sure he’d help if I needed him. After all was said and done, I agreed to search but had to wait for a waiver of liability from the golf course. In the meantime, I called Donnie and told him what was going on, and I was going to attempt to recover the ring, and I’d call him if I needed his help.

Ryan sent me a text two days later saying his boss finished the waivers, and I could search as soon as I signed it. I had them make two waivers, in case I needed Donnie to help. We set it up that I’d meet him at 2 p.m. in his office, sign the waiver, and start the search. When I got to his office, I learned he was the Assist. Superintendent, which explained why he was able to have his dog with him on the course. He drove me out to the pond in one of the maintenance carts, and when we pulled up, I thought it didn’t look too bad. Well, looks were deceiving!
As I took my first few steps into the pond, I was sinking at least seven to eight inches in the extremely soft mud. I immediately started picking up great signals, but they were long and narrow. There’s only one thing those could be, yep – Golf clubs! Total, there was two putters, one fairway wood, two club shafts, one grip with a shaft, one tee marker, and two clubs I didn’t pull up.

So as I made my way out to the area Ryan said he saw his ring hit the water; the water was getting colder and deeper. The water temp had to be in the low 50s, my wetsuit helped, but it was still cold! I got out as deep as I could on tiptoes until I was chin deep and still wasn’t in the right spot. I searched as well as I could but wasn’t getting anything close to a small solid signal. I made my way back out of the water, picked up my cell phone and called Donnie.
When Donnie showed up, he had his scuba gear and went right to work. He made his way out and searched with no luck. By then it was almost dark, so we called it a day and made plans to go back.

We decided and planned on going back, today, February 20th. Donnie came up with a plan that he’d run a rope anchored on shore to an anchor buried in the mud past the suspected area. The rope gave him a track line that he could follow while submerged since any movement stirred the mud up and made visibility zero. Close to 30 minutes later, Donnie popped up holding the ring in his hand. Ryan drove up to check on us just as Donnie handed me the ring. Ryan was definitely excited he had his ring back.

Donnie, thanks again for all your help, couldn’t have done this one without you.

Ryan, Thanks for trusting us to find your ring. Good luck in all your future endeavors!


Gold Wedding and Engagement Rings Lost and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

My wife and I were on a little get away in Gettysburg PA on Friday the 13th when I noticed I had a missed call with a voice mail. Listening to the voice mail, Frank D explained that his wife Diane was in North Myrtle Beach with some friends and had lost both her wedding ring and engagement ring in the surf. I called Frank back and explained I was out of town but I could contact my son-in-law Donnie and was pretty sure he could go look for me. I called Donnie and explained the situation and gave him Diane’s number.

My understanding was that Donnie and Diane had talked and were to meet on the beach a little later that evening. Not hearing anything from Donnie wasn’t giving me high hopes that he had found them. Donnie called later that evening and said he had no luck and was very sure he was in the right area and convinced he had covered the area very thoroughly. Fast forward to 8:15am Saturday morning and Donnie texted me a picture of the rings saying “Found them”. Come to find out Donnie had gone out early Saturday before he had to go to work and just happened to run into one of Diane’s friends walking the beach who told Donnie that she thought they were maybe 10 or so feet further south. Donnie told me on his second pass over the new area he got a strong signal and knew it was one of the rings, about a foot away he found the second ring.

Donnie – thank you so much for filling in for me, you do a fantastic job and are a great resource I can count on when I’m not able to answer the call.

Frank & Diane – thank you for allowing us the opportunity to find and return your lost treasure.


14K Man’s Wedding Band Lost in Myrtle Beach, Found and Returned

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got a call from Hunter about 3pm about his lost wedding band which turned out to be in Matt Fry’s area. I told him that one of us would call him back shortly. I called Matt and gave him the information and he told me he had some things going on and to go ahead and take it, so I did. I called Hunter back and we agreed to meet at 7pm.

Hunter and I met in his front yard and he told me the story. Their family heirloom wedding rings, which had quite a story attached to them, belonged to his wife Michelle’s aunt who passed them on to Hunter and Michelle as a wedding present. Michelle and Hunter got married on July 6th of this year and Hunter’s ring was too small for his ring finger so he wore it on his pinky finger. At some point during the celebration of their wedding and partaking of adult beverages the ring fell off his finger and has been lost since. Hunter had contacted another metal detectorist, not associated with The Ring Finders, a week after the loss who was unable to find the ring. He told me I was the last resort because their lease was up at the end of the month and they were moving. As I got started in my search Hunter handed me Michelle’s ring which was smaller but an exact duplicate that I tested with my AT Pro and got a solid 53 on the meter. A 53 on this machine is exactly where a nickel would ring up as. About 45 minutes later and after finding a buried nickel I got a second solid nickel reading and dug down through the grass and dirt to about 2-3 inches and this time it was Hunter’s ring. I cleaned it off and walked up to Hunter who was sitting on the porch. I showed him the ring and he flew out of the chair and gave me the biggest bear hug I’ve ever had. I took the ring back to get some pictures while he ran inside to tell Michelle. She came outside in utter shock and more hugs. How can it possibly get any better than this other than Michelle told me she had just found out she’s pregnant with twins. Wow!!

Hunter offered me a very generous reward but I agreed to take a portion if they’d use the rest to buy their new twins something from me. They agreed. Very happy ending all the way around!!!

Hunter and Michelle thank you for trusting in me to find your lost treasure and the very best of luck to you in all your future endeavors. Good luck with the twins!

Michelle’s wearing Hunter’s ring on her first finger for the picture, right after the picture it came off and put away until they can get it sized.


14K Man’s Wedding Band Lost and Recovered in Cherry Grove, SC. Returned to Owner in Indiana

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

On Sunday, July 16th I got a heartfelt e-mail from Sarah W. wondering if I had found a Man’s 14K wedding band in the Cherry Grove area of North Myrtle Beach SC that had been lost the previous Thursday night, July 13th. I wrote back that I hadn’t and asked her for some details, time it was lost and where her husband Eric was in relation to the beach (dry or wet sand or in the water). We went back and forth with numerous e-mails including google satellite maps with areas of the beach highlighted. Every ring call is very very special in its own way but occasionally you get one that tugs at your heart strings for whatever reason. When she wrote saying that her husband’s original ring was getting too big for him so she had bought him this new one and gave it to him on his birthday last month, she had me. We ended our e-mails with me telling her that “I can’t promise miracles but I do promise you I’ll give it my best shot”. A few hours later I was on the beach working from the dry sand to the mid-tide area that was highlighted on the google map going outside the area on all four sides. After a little over 3 hours and finding very little I called it a night knowing I was going back out first chance I had. I had sent Sarah an e-mail saying I hadn’t had any luck not letting her know I was planning on going back out. Monday morning I got an e-mail from her thanking me for looking and offering gratuity for time and gas. I wrote back telling her thanks but it was my pleasure and that I was planning on going back out.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning, I woke up early so I could be out on the beach working the outgoing tide to low tide. Another 3 hours plus and again I’m not finding very much of anything after going from thigh deep at low tide to the high tide line doing both north/south and east/west grids. By now I’ve got about 40 yards of beach left to search, the crowds are starting to show up taking some of my search area away and really no place else to search. BANG, I get a booming signal on my stand-in Gold Quest machine. Dug a scoop and flipped it out on the sand and there it was, I was 99% sure I had the right ring. Sarah had told me about the very special inscription she had put on the inside of the ring but I didn’t have my glasses and there was no way I could read what it said. I walked down the beach to a small pool of water and washed the ring off. I then walked up to a much younger man playing with his son and asked him if he could tell me what the inscription said giving him the first 2 words, he read the rest and I had it.

I had already played it over in my head on how I was going to tell Sarah I found it. So, I sent her an e-mail saying my e-mail was acting up and if she’d call me or give me a number to call her because I had a couple more questions. When she called I gave her a little pity story about how I’d been searching, blah, blah, blah and then I said I’ve got a couple of questions to ask 1-what is your husband’s name and 2-what address do I send his ring back to? She caught on instantly “you found it?”, and tears of joy rang out. I got it in the mail today and it’s on his way home!! A little later in the afternoon she sent me the following text that put a smile on my face – “And you said you couldn’t promise a miracle!”

I got a text message today, Friday from Sarah that she had received the ring and giving me another big Thank you. Mission Complete!!!

Sarah and Eric thank you for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.



Man’s 14K Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned on Ocean Isle Beach NC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got an e-mail from Kim asking if I could help find her husband Trevor’s lost wedding band during low tide. I responded saying that there shouldn’t be a problem and we agreed to meet at 7:30pm. During the 35 minute drive, I noticed a nasty storm brewing and moving my way quickly. I met Kim and as we’re walking to the beach she told me what happened. She said her husband had lost his ring the day before while wave surfing with the kids. They had been out later that afternoon and searched with no luck and her husband didn’t want to waste anymore vacation time looking for what he thought was gone for good. She had (discreetly) looked on the internet and found me though TheRingFinders directory and decided to contact me for help.

We walked out on the beach to an area in the wet sand marked on 4 corners with a big X . I’m watching the storm move closer, with big lightning strikes off in the distance, so I started my grid search.  I wasn’t finding anything between the X’s so she told me that the ring could be a little outside of the X’s that she had previously marked. I expanded the grid and on my third row I hit a good solid 59-60 on my AT PRO. It took me 3 scoops to get the ring out of the hole. I dumped the sand on the beach, spread it out with my foot and saw a small glimmer of gold. I reached down and picked it up, blew the sand off the ring and turned around to give it to her. She was overwhelmed with joy and a few tears were shed, which gets me every time! I got a huge hug just as her husband and 3 kids were walking onto the beach. I think she had just texted him that we found his ring. He was extremely happy as well. It just doesn’t get any better than this and this is what it’s all about.

Kim and Trevor thank you for everything including trusting me to find your lost treasure. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a very safe trip home.



Thank you for reading my blog.


Man’s Platinum Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned Pawley’s Island SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

Mark sent me an e-mail saying he was in Pawley’s Island SC vacationing with his family from PA and asked if I could help find his wedding band. I responded saying I’d be glad to help and I’d be there the next day at 2pm.

When I arrived Mark showed me the small area he believed his ring was lost the night before while sitting on the beach enjoying the evening. He stated he had taken his ring off and put it in the cup holder to his beach chair.  A couple  of hours later after returning to their beach house he realized he didn’t have his ring and had forgotten it in the chair. I started a grid search and was having problems with my PI giving off a loud constant steady tone instead of the whisper tone I was expecting. Luckily I had brought another machine and after about 30 minutes and expanding my grid search out I hit a good signal and BINGO. I kept the ring in the scoop as I extended it out to Mark to retrieve. He was extremely excited to have his ring back on his finger.

Mark and Pauline thank you so much for trusting in me to help find your treasure. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a safe trip home.



North Myrtle Beach News Interview – Part 2

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

North Myrtle Beach News Interview – Part 1

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)


Man’s Tungsten Wedding Band Lost in the Surf – Found and Returned North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)

I got an email, followed up by a phone call, from Joe G. visiting here with his family from Ohio. Joe said he had lost his Tungsten wedding band in the surf and was wondering if I could help find it. I got the details, told him I’d be there in 20 minutes and asked him to alert the gate guard that I’d be coming.

When I got there Joe’s dad, Russell, was waiting at the gate to escort me to the beach area. Shortly after Russell and I got to the approximate area, Joe showed up and put me just about dead on the spot. On my 2nd pass I got the signal but on my third scoop I was wondering if I had Joe’s ring because this was deeper than I thought it should be in this short amount of time. I flattened out the sand I had scooped and saw the outline of a ring, brushed it off and it was the right one!!! Joe and Russell were both amazed we found it. Joe’s wife Maria and his mother were looking down from the resort balcony as Joe waved that we had it.

Joe and Maria, thank you so much for trusting in me to help find your lost treasure. Enjoy your last night in town and have a safe trip back home.


Thank you for reading my blog.