Lost Wedding Ring Found 1 Year Later In Lincoln, NB

Happy Owner

There’s the ring.
I received a call fromĀ about his wedding ring he lost while out hunting with his son. In the congratulating his son on his first deer, the ring came off of his finger and flew into the woods. They searched for it at the time and then came back on a couple of occasions to see if he could find it, but was never able to locate it. He finally found me online and called, we met up and in a drenching downpourI followed him back into the area he had lost it. I searched the primary area then moved to the expanding search around the perimeter, finally locating it after about a 1/2 hr. He was very relieved to have it back on his finger after a year and said his wife would be equally pleased for the symbol of their marriage to be back in place. Thanks for the reward, and glad to see it back where it belongs.