I was searching for a Gold Ring, in Ocean Park, Maine, on Saturday, June 8th. The ring had been lost, a full week earlier, but my client wasn’t aware of my services, until she read about a recovery and return, the night before, in Old Orchard Beach Maine, by me, The Ring Finders of Maine. A gold ring, lost for a week, on the beach, is not impossible to recover, just very difficult. Anything could have happened, including, she was mistaken about where the ring was lost, tides have come and gone or even another detectorist, could have found it.
Anyways, As I was searching, I felt my phone vibrate, in my pocket. I saw I had a voicemail, from an out of state phone number. I read the transcript and it said
“Hey Dennis , how do you do. My name is Tom. We are here for a few days and the wifey thinks she lost her ring where she is sitting, on the beach. Could you please give me a call at your convenience. I appreciate it. Call 4 1 3-***-****, Thank you “
I immediately called Tom back and he explained to me that his wife were staying at The Royal Anchor Beach Resort, an ocean front resort , near the Town of Scarborough, Maine and Pine Point Beach, Maine. The Royal Anchor’s front desk, gave Tom my business card and encouraged him to call me. Tom told me that his wife had taken her ring off, to apply lotion. A little bit later, she realized she didn’t have her ring anymore and since, she hadn’t left the area, the ring should be fairly close to their beach chairs.
I told Tom I would be happy to help but would be approximately 1 1/2 hours, before I finished my search in Ocean Park. Tom replied, no problem, we are just sitting on the beach, for the afternoon and aren’t going anywhere. I told him I would call him, as I was leaving Ocean Park and would only take me a few minutes to get there, as I was only 3-4 miles from The Royal Anchor.
1 1/2 hours later, I finished up my 1st search, unsuccessfully and called Tom to let him know I would be there, in 5-10 minutes. Tom told me they were still sitting on the beach and they had the only 2 red beach chairs, there.
When I arrived, at The Royal Anchor, I saw Tom and his wife and the two red beach chairs. I introduced myself to Tom and his wife, Nancy. Nancy explained what had happened and it was exactly as what Tom had told me. Nancy hadn’t gone anywhere, since the ring had gone missing and was sure, it would be in an area around the chairs. Tom and Nancy had searched the sand themselves but could not locate the ring. Nancy also told me that the ring was Yellow Gold, with 3 Blue stones, set in it. Nancy then told my wife and I that the ring was a 50th Birthday present, from her father and that yesterday, June 7th, was her Birthday. Yikes, no pressure on me now. I just had to find her very sentimental ring.
I had Tom and Nancy, move the metal chairs back a little bit, so they wouldn’t interfere, with my detector. Once the chairs were out of the way, I started passing my detector’s coil, over the area. Within 10-15 seconds, I received the unmistakable sound of gold. I was so confident of this that I told Nancy and Tom that this would be their last lost ring. I plunged my pinpointer, into the soft dry sand and found the target. Put my hand, into the sand and nothing. Put my hand in a little deeper, and I could feel the round ring, pulled it out, saw the Yellow Gold and 3 Blue Stones and Told Nancy, “I got your ring “. She and Tom were elated and Tom even said something to the effect of “what took you so long. It took you like 10 seconds “ and we all laughed. Tom also stated that he couldn’t believe how deep the ring had already become and that they would never have found it that deep. The ring had worked its way down to the 5 inch area, in just a few hours. This most likely happened because the ring was heavy, the sand was very dry and while searching for the ring, Tom and Nancy, may have pushed it a little deeper. So thankful that a ring given to Nancy, by her father, as a 50th Birthday present, is now back on her finger, the day after her birthday. I just absolutely love do this.
The staff of The Royal Anchor cheered for me, after the ring was found and thanked me for coming and helping their guests. I also left more of my cards with them and they assured me, they would definitely call me when my service is needed, in the future.