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Against all Odds – Keys Found on Paihia Beach

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Two Tourists Stranded in Paradise!

I was just heading down onto the beach for a random hunt when I was approached by Derek, “Will that find keys?”.

“Yep, where did you lose them?”.
“Last night walking between that pole and those toilets… They’re the keys for the campervan and we’re stuck here without them”.
The time of night they were lost put it at low tide, which left me with roughly 1.2 hectares of beach where they were hiding – And that’s assuming a walker hadn’t picked them up since. I was brutally honest with him about the very slim chances of finding them with a coil the size of a dinner plate, but had to give it my best.

I checked the waterline first as the tide was already coming in, then once I had cleared a buffer there against the encroaching tide, I headed up to the probable line of their route to the beach.

A short time later, I got a big hit in the dry powdery sand. Scuffed the surface of the sand off with my foot and there they were. I quietly pocketed them and headed back to the van, head hung in mock defeat.
I couldn’t help but wind Derek up a little about how it was such a huge area, and the chances of finding them today were virtually nil…before pulling the keys out of my pocket.
Derek and Gemma could now continue their holiday through NZ 


Lost… 3 Platinum Rings at Chesterman Beach Vancouver Island…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call from the Concierge at the Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino, Vancouver Island.  He asked if I could help search for 3 platinum rings that were tossed into the ocean at Chesterman Beach, beside their inn.

He tells me that 3 days past from the time the young lady from London England tossed her rings into the ocean.  He helped the couple by getting them a metal detector so they could search the next morning for the rings.

The coupled searched most of the day but had no luck in finding the rings.  They were leaving the next day to New York, they would leave Tofino broken hearted!

After the couple left to New York,  the Concierge (Damien) began to search the internet to see if he could locate someone to help find those 3 lost rings.

This is where I come into play,  he finds online, he tells me the story of the lady and her lost rings. I know I have to act fast as the waves on that beach can get very big in the winter time and that could pound the rings deep into the sand, beyond the reach of a detector.

My wife who hasn’t picked up a detector since we were hunting in the UK (Spoiled) many years ago, wanted to come and help. This was great because she could help grid search and we could knock it out fast,  we needed to because of the tides.

Close to 4 hours and only a couple of  trash targets I got a good signal.  I dug down with my sand scoop and placed the lump of sand on the beach and with my headlight I could see the sparkle of diamonds!

I found the platinum diamond engagement ring! I yelled out to Beverley and she came running, we were so happy and we called Trish in New York to tell them the good news.

We regained our composure and Beverley started to do a corkscrew grid search where I found the ring and within minutes she got a signal 5 yards away and scooped up the platinum wedding band…

This was the tough one because it was so small and thin and it was already 4-5 inches down,  good find by Beverley!

Well we were excited and hopeful that we would find the 3rd ring and within 5 minutes and about 15 yards away I found the Aquamarine platinum ring…

We were so happy to find all 3 rings and excited to email the pictures of our discovery to Trish & James.  We got a call early the next morning and Trish & James were happy, happy!

Things happen in our lives that make us do funny things that we regret… That being said the rings have more memories now and the last memory was how good it felt to get them back!

We started back to Vancouver and as luck would have it we got stuck in traffic for hours due to snow storms and white outs.  We did make it to the ferry and dropped the rings off to Trish’s friends in West Vancouver who will be going to London in a weeks time…

Beverley and I had a great time on this search and the Hero in all of this , in our opinion,  is the Concierge at the Wickaninnish Inn (Damien) Because if he hadn’t found The Ring Finders Directory, the rings would be lost forever!

I love my job! I Love my Wife!

Lost something?

Call me ASAP!

Video of the search below…