Buried Key Found and Returned, Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

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Rommel called me yesterday afternoon asking if I could help him find his key he buried in a park by a tree unfortunately he forgot which tree it was, For a minute I thought it was a joke but after asking  few questions why/where/when,  asked him why he had buried the key there and not at home and why was it important to have the key back he told me he was driving home from work one evening and thought the park would be safe place, also he made a box and had sentimental value and did not want to damage the box, I determined he was sincere and agreed to meet him at the park. Arrived at the park and meet Rommel he showed me the location and where he had been searching around the trees I must have checked about 15 trees and shrubs, As always asking more question.

After searching for 2 hrs and switching from AT-Pro to V3i with 4×6 coil received a good signal and there buried in about 6 inches of mulch was his key another happy client thank you Rommel for trusting me to find your key.     


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