Lost wedding ring, Longwood, Fl.......Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Allot of rings are lost playing volleyball and unfortunately many times the rings are never found by their rightful owners. Some owners try their hardest to sift thru the sand using their fingers and rakes in a desperate attempt to locate their precious rings. There are a few people who actually find their rings and are so relieved, vowing to never wear their ring and play volleyball at the same time-ever again! But most poor souls figure their rings are gone forever–never to be seen again.
Josh was sort of in this final stage. He and his friends had looked the court over the day he lost his ring and then he went out and rented a metal detector and searched the most likely spots over again. Still no ring! He determined his ring was gone! But his story does not end there.
Last week I got a call from Alex who had lost a couple of rings during a recent move. Unfortunately I was not able to find his rings, but as we were talking he remembered this other guy Josh, who had lost his wedding ring while playing volleyball the same night that Alex had played. So I inquired about the name of the park and as I drove away from Alex’s home I figured — there’s no better time to go check this other lost ring out than right now. It was only three miles out of my way and as I drove into “Merrill Park” I could see it was well taken care of. I donned my “Ring Finders” hat, grabbed my clip board and headed for the park office. I met the park manager, Richard, and told him I was here to help look for a recent lost ring on one of the volleyball courts and he immediately told me which court it was lost on and wished me good luck! (Most sand volleyball courts are some of the easiest places to search for lost rings and things. One has to dig every signal and remember to set your detector to it’s highest settings possible cause lost items get pushed deep by all the foot traffic.) It took a good 30 minutes to search the inside of the court and it was as clean as a whistle! I then started on the sandy outer area hoping that the ring had landed there. (Around two sides of the court was a tall chain link fence with thick brush on the other side and if the ring went thru or over the fence–it would have turned into a very, very difficult search!) Twenty minutes later I got an excellent signal and brushing the sand away revealed Josh’s ring! As I talked to the park manager he was able to give me Josh’s phone number and I gave him a call. Josh was so surprised and thrilled to hear that his ring had been found and we made arrangements to meet the next day. Thank you so much Josh for the generous reward! Lost something recently? Call, text or e-mail me—ASAP!
Mike McInroe–thankful to be a member of theringfinders.com

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