Lost Gold Heirloom Pendant at Kilauea District Park...FOUND!!!

  • from O‘ahu (Hawaii, United States)

This pendant hunt began when I got a text from Lisa asking if I could find her daughter Tien’s Gold Heirlloom Pendants lost during Softball practice?  She said it was lost the first week of April and she believed she’d know the area to hunt as while the base line was being raked the gold chain was exposed near third base.  I told Lisa I would try that evening.  Lisa & Tien met me at the park and showed me where the chain had been found.  I assumed the pendant would have had to come off before finding the chain.  So after finding many targets in the area I decided to go over my track concentrating on low conductor surface targets.  After about three nondesireable targets I got a solid #4 on the Manticore.  I started moving the red dirt with a flat tip screw driver when the glisten of gold sparkled and it was one of two pendants.  I hunted some more for the other gold star pendant but no luck.  Although I covered a large area I think I’ll go back sometime and see if I can nail it down.  Aloha to Lisa & Tien

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