Lost Engagement Ring FOUND in Essex, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

I received a call from Teresa early this morning (5/30/2023) stating she lost her engagement ring close to her house. I offered to come out later in the week as I did not have my equipment with me nor was I home. She asked if there was any way possible that I could come out today. I could hear it in her voice she was frantic as she was concerned that where she lost it was a heavy foot traffic area and that someone else may find it. I was able to change up my schedule for the day and we met midafternoon. Teresa was very confident in the area that she lost it, so I immediately got to work. Due to the high amount of interference in the area, I needed to fine tune my equipment to eliminate false signals. Shortly thereafter, I was able to call Teresa over to show her what I found. She immediately started crying tears of joy! I’m glad I was able to return this ring to its thankful owner. If you find yourself in a situation like or similar to Teresa, please don’t hesitate to contact me! The quicker I get involved, the greater are the chances of a successful recovery!



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