Lost Ring Located in Alexandria, LA!

I got a message via social media concerning a recently lost ring. ‘My friend Cherye lost her mother’s ring in her front yard, and she cannot find it,’ the lady told me. Shortly thereafter, I was in contact with the ring owner who was distraught that her mother’s gold and opal ring had left her hand during a cleaning project outside. ‘It should just be right there but I can’t find it in the grass,’ she related.

We arranged for a meeting, and after exchanging preliminary greetings and information concerning the item, I began a systematic grid search of the small probable drop area. The detector wasn’t finding what should have been an easy find, and there was some interference from the reinforced concrete nearby. I got down on my knees with my pinpointer and began a micro sweep. Sure enough, there it was a couple of inches from the concrete driveway!

Cherye was so relieved to have her ring returned to her. ‘Thank you so much!’ she kept telling me. The thanks is all mine. I am energetic about returning smiles to people whose hope of recovering a precious item, like Cherye’s mother’s ring, had faded.

Making smiles and new friends is why I enjoy the art and science of metal detection so much. This is what it is truly all about.

LOST SOMETHING OF VALUE? I CAN HELP. Service to all of Central Louisiana 318-264-9380 or bayoudigs@gmail.com

1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost Ring Located in Alexandria, LA!”

  1. Becky Riggar says:

    I am so glad that you found her ring! She is so happy! Thank you!

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