Tiny Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Lost 20th Anniversary gold ring~What a beauty!!

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

2017-10-09 Tiny Township, Simcoe County, Ontario

Received a phone call from Kim S that she lost her 20th Anniversary gold with diamonds rind either on her property or in the water.

We set a date and I proceeded up with all my detecting and scuba gear incase a water entry was required. Kim felt strongly that she lost her beautiful ring in the water. I asked more questions and she had said that her husband reminded her that she was back and forth from the water to the hot tub numerous times with the Grand Children.

My gut was telling me to start on land. I proceeded with a grid search…found a penny…found some metal…then on my my 4th pass back between the grass and the concrete steps leading down to the water was a shinny gold ring sparkling with many diamonds staring right back at me!!

I kept my cool, put my detector down and said to Kim “I forgot to do my video for good luck”!! I did a “Facebook Live” video and SURPRISED her with her ring. I think she was in shock when she grabbed it out of my hand….it was really great to see her jump for joy in all the excitement. Kim proceeded to call her Husband who was at the airport to let him know the great news!

I am very grateful to Kim as she rewarded me with a very generous donation on behalf of my “Pay-It-Forward” campaign for the 2018 19th annual Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation Snow Run on my behalf!! Thank you Kim!!


  Kim’s lost 20th Anniversary gold ring

What a beauty!!



2 Replies to “Tiny Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Lost 20th Anniversary gold ring~What a beauty!!”

  1. Larry says:

    Fun to watch the video..Thanks for the comment regarding TheRingfinders.com being a global organization. Chris Turner came to France this year and is now going to put a french translation (on the “about” section) to assist french speaking people in finding out about this organization. We have two ‘ringfinders.com’ reps in France. Keep up the videos…I think they help people to make the correct decision when losing a ring….Call theringfinders.com immediately.

  2. Mike McInroe says:

    That was amazing stuff right there!! Spotting it by eye and then giving an awesome plug for theringfinders.com!! Keep it up young lady!

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