Repeat Customer! Wedding Ring Found for Second Time - near Pittsburgh, PA

  • from Indiana (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lost your ring, other valuable jewelry, cellphone, keys, or other metal object…call or text Brian Carpenter at (814)244-2300 as soon as possible. I am a ring recovery specialist serving Pittsburgh, Indiana (PA), and most of Western PA. Why rent a metal detector when you can get a trained operator with top of the line equipment at the same time…

Last week I received an early morning text “Good morning, Remember me. You found my wedding ring two yrs ago”. I had to sheepishly respond that I was sure I did but that I do not save customers in my phone. He told me it was Blaize and I immediately remembered him – the lawn king!  I told him I did remember and  I was hoping it was just a nostalgic text but was guessing probably not. He responded – “I need your service again”. We talked on the phone and he had lost his wedding ring out working again. I had previously found his ring in near record time and I cautioned him that there was no guarantee I could replicate that, especially after he told me he lost it nearly a week ago at one of his jobs.  He did say he had a pretty good idea as to which job he lost it at and where.

So I met up with Blaize later that afternoon. We took a long walk back a large gravel driveway and then a turn; this was BIG yard. He told me he thought he must have lost it cleaning out the deck chute on the rider. He gave me an area and said I think it is here or maybe in that big clump of bushes or maybe in the clipping piles. I asked for his best guess…he said start in the bushes. So I walked over and started into the high grass and bushes and suddenly I hit a solid sound. I looked down and low and behold there it was. After looking at the area I had to search and the other uncertainties I was just as surprised as Blaize was elated. It was a heck of a stroke of luck to find it so quickly. We talked for a few minutes when someone stopped to request his services and I took off to check out a lead he gave me on a spot to metal detect. It was nice to see Blaize again; he is great to talk with and generous guy. Also just like the last time – the yard he was working on looked great so if your looking for a lawn service locally look up Blaizin Bladez Lawn Care!


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