ring lost in the snow Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Hackettstown NJ… Found

  • from Millburn (New Jersey, United States)

Got a call from a young man about a ring that had been lost in the snow while filming a music video.  He had already bought a metal detector from Wal-mart and tried to locate the ring with no sucess.  He told me was there was footage of the ring on his finger and footage of the ring off his finger, so I had an excellent idea of the location of the ring and knew I could help out.  When I got there, he  showed me right to the area and within ten minuntes I was able to locate the ring under the snow and return it!  I love the happy endings when I can return rings to their owners!

Acura Key Fob Lost in the Snow Crestwood, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Received a call first thing this morning from Mark he was out shoveling snow from his sidewalk and his Vehicles and lost his key fob and could I possibly help him find his key fob? I told Mark I would be there within 1/2 hour.

Drove up to his house parked on the street as I got out of my truck I felt something under my foot  and their in the snow was Mark’s key fob, pick it up walked up to his door knocked on the door and introduced myself and asked him is this what you lost.

Mark could not believe I found his key fob so quickly,

Thank you Mark!

Another happy Client!