metal detecting service edmonton and area Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost 14K Yellow Wedding Band, Forest Heights Neighborhood, Edmonton.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Katelyn call to request my service to locate her ring while she was out in her garden getting it ready for planting season.

Katelyn showed me the area where she was picking weeds and cleaning up. She had also been digging up a tree root and thought the ring could possibly be there but unfortunately it was not.

I searched the whole back yard with no ring! Then she said she was along the side of the house cleaning up the flower beds and again no ring, so we headed to the front of the house and searched the flower beds!  Two hours of searching with no luck! I could see on Katelyn’s face that she was very disappointed so I decided to do a final sweep of the area just to confirm the ring was not in the garden. Bang! I received the ring tone I was listening for! Her ring was well blended in the lawn and without a metal detector it would have never been found.

I called Katelyn over and showed her where her ring was.  She was jumping with joy to have her ring back on her finger.

Katelyn was married two weeks ago and the ring was of sentimental value from a previous family member, not only that, it was also her wedding ring!

Thank you Katelyn,


Lost Android Phone In Tall Grass on Acreage in Gibbons, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



I received a text from Drea this afternoon.  She had lost her phone on an acreage in tall grass last night while driving a golf cart.  Drea and her friend searched retracing her tracks through the tall grass with no luck.  She googled  “how to find lost phone” and my name came up.  Thank you Drea for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to do a search.

Another happy Client!

Lost 10ct Gold Wedding Ring Millwoods Edmonton Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

John called me yesterday afternoon requesting my service to locate his ring which he had lost while playing with his boys in the back of his condominium complex common area the night before.

When I arrived, John showed me the area where he had been playing with his kids and we also walked from one end to the other of the complex.  He said he was 100% sure that he had lost it in the grass but I searched the area for 1  1/2 hours with no luck.  I told John that his ring was not there and he said the only other possible location that his ring could be was in his car.  When he checked his car, he found the ring wedged down the side of his back seat. He was very happy to have his ring back on his finger.

Thank you John for calling me and entrusting your services to The Ring Finders.



Lost Ring Found Rosenthal Neighborhood, NW Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Received a call from a anxious young lady she had just lost her ring in a tots lot while she was playing with her son, after asking Annik how she lost the ring! Annik said she remove her ring while applying sun screen on her son, She put the ring in her pocket also she had her phone in the same pocket and not realizing she answered her phone and that’s when the ring fell out of her pocket.

Thank you Annik for contacting me to locate your Lost ring.