I received a call from Marlene on Christmas Eve asking if it was possible for me to find her Dad’s ring. 10 days ago he had been brushing the snow off his car with his bare hands when his ring flew off. I told her that if the ring was on the ground I would find it. She described the ring as gold, very large, and having much sentimental valve as it was a 35 year’s of service award from the automotive industry when her dad retired.
Today, Boxing Day morning, I meet Marlene at her condo complex and she showed me where her dad’s car had been parked that evening and also mentioned that he had been out looking for the ring a couple of times and had piled a mound of snow on the front lawn and that the ring could be there. I started my search and had Marlene move her vehicle from her parking spot so I could search that area. I found the ring where her car had been in about two inches of hard packed snow. When Marlene’s father arrived, I walked him over to where the ring was laying in the snow. The smile on his face was proof that this ring was very sentimental for him. He and his daughter were extremely pleased to have the ring back. Although Aron declined to have his picture taken with his ring for our “book of smiles”, he did give permission to have his ring published. Thank you for entrusting me and “The Ring Finders”. Happy New Year!