#lost jewelry in Utah Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Ring Found After a Year at the Bottom of the Lake- Provo, Utah

I received a call from a woman who had lost her wedding ring in Utah lake. The only issue was that she lost it in August of 2022 when the lake was 47% full. With the great snow year we had here in Utah, the lake is currently 87% full. She was walking on the rocks when she made a quick move to catch herself and the ring flew off her finger into the water. Utah lake is a shallow lake and because of that, the visibility is less than 6 inches. I decided since I would not be able to see in the water to set my discrimination on my minelab equinox to only get signals from 9-13. I used a couple of rocks for markers from where she sent me pictures of where she was standing. I tried my best to grid back and forth picking up a few lead sinkers and then I finally got a decent hit on the detector. I took my glove off to feel for the item and immediately realized it was a ring. Could it be her ring? After returning to the surface I looked down and sure enough it was!

After almost 14 months at the bottom of the lake, It is back where it belongs! So happy for you Melanie and thanks for reaching out to me!


Lost Diamond Gold Ring Found After Being Lost for 2 Years in Ogden, Utah

I received a call from Lou regarding his lost ring in Ogden Utah. He explained that he had been working in the yard and at some point the ring came off his finger. They tried searching through the weeds he was pulling and even got a metal detector to help with the search. It was a gold ring with 3 diamonds through the middle and he referred to it as his “old friend” since it had been with him for 23 years. He also told me that he had lost it two years ago and was looking to replace it but wanted to give it one last attempt.

When I arrived at his house, he showed me the area he had been pulling weeds and since it was along the side of the house, I knew there would be a fair amount of interference. I used my smaller coil and started to grid off the area. After a couple pieces of trash, I got a very clean signal close to the surface about 6 feet from where Lou was working. I brushed some dirt back and sure enough, it was his ring! The search took about 15 minutes. After 2 years of being lost, Lou has is “old friend” back!!! So happy Lou gave me a call.

You can watch the recovery on my YouTube channel- Massive Gold Ring Found After 2 Years of Being Lost

Apple Watch Found While Diving for Lost Ring- Returned to Owner

During a recent dive for a lost wedding ring, I found 6 apple watches in the lake. After returning home, I started to see if any of them still worked in hope of returning them to their owners. After about 5 minutes of charging the first one, it turned on and a message popped up to contact the owner if found. I was just about to call the number when Christian (Owner) called me through his Apple watch. He had been at the lake a week prior and lost it. He was so excited to hear that I had found it! We met that night and I was able to return it to him. Unfortunately, 4 out of the 6 Apple watches did not turn on.