lake huron Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring near Grand Bend Ontario

Received a call yesterday from a gentleman who had lost his ring near grand bend. The story sounded promising so we decided it would be worth the 2 hour drive.
After a couple hours on the road we m et with him and he showed us the approximate location, we had to swim out with all of our gear past a deep section to get to the shallower water where a football was being thrown the day before.
Within moments of being shown the location of where the ring had fallen off I had a strong beep so told the owner “I have a good beep here but it might not be the ring” as to not get his hopes up that fast. Sure enough when I looked down into the sand sifting basket I saw gold sitting in the bottom.

Another happy customer!


How To find a Lost Ring on The Beach in Lions Head, Ontario!

I received a call a few days ago from a guy who had lost his wedding band in Lions Head ON. Myself and my father both avid users of metal detectors decided to take about an hour drive up to see if we could locate this item. We soon came to realize that the beach we were metal detecting had some large rocks making for a difficult search. The water depth in this location also dropped off very fast making it challenging to check further into the water. After about a steady two hours of searching as well as using goggles to go under and see if we could locate it by eye we decided to call the search off for the day as we covered pretty much all the area that we believed the ring was lost in. I had my suit about half off when he told us there was one more spot he would like us to search. The family created a rock statue and threw the rocks back in after they were done. I quickly suited back up and went over to the location the rocks had been thrown into. Within roughly a couple minutes I had a very strong beep ringing up at around a 63 on my Garrett AT Pro. I spend a small amount of time locating what rock this beep was coming from. I bent into the water and lifted a rock about the size of a football. Sure enough if his platinum ring and diamonds was not under that rock sparkling in the sun!!

We are very pleased to have helped this gentleman and look forward to many more searches to come!



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