how to find lost water shutoff valve southfield michigan Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Water Shut Off Valve Found in Southfield Michigan

All was WELL and Good…….

…..until Dave could not locate the outside shut off valve to the well water supply. Although the subdivision went on city water, he still wanted the well supply for watering the garden, plants, ect. and needed to shut the supply off to change the piping around. Turning on my Tesoro Sidewinder metal detector in all metal mode I started to search for the valve. An increase in the threshold sound was convincing enough to dig. Pushing the shovel into the ground and removing a few scoops revealed the cap that sealed the metal tube to the valve deep below the ground. Using a long T bar, we turned the valve until it was shut. Instead of saying “O Well” and walking away, he was thrilled that he called me to help him. All’s WELL that ends well we said, as Dave feels this project is now just water under the bridge!