class ring lost Tag | The Ring Finders

Class Ring Lost 20 Days Prior On Topsail Beach, Found By Crystal Coast Ring Finders

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

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Taylor texted me August 15th with a message stating, “This is a complete shot in the dark but I lost a ring in the last week of July at Topsail Island”

This class ring belonged to her mother.  Taylor said she was given the ring when she was 6 years old and has worn it off and on for nearly twenty years.

She informed me the ring was lost above the high tide line.  I explained that the odds are low especially if it was lost in the ocean or close to a public parking access as other detectorist hunt these places on a regular basis.  Taylor still wanted me to give it a shot and my reply was “I agree.  If nobody searches, there is no hope.  We have found rings that were lost a longer period of time…”  Upon arrival, I was becoming concerned as there were 2 public parking lots within 150 yards of the beach house her family rented.  I started from the path to the beach house, walked just below the high tide line. I began my walk back towards the house when an iffy signal on my Minelab CTX-3030 caught my attention.  When on a recovery search, I dig almost every signal so my scoop went to work and plucked out her ring on the very first scoop.  I must admit, it even surprised me!  I was so very happy to find her ring that had been lost for 20 days.