Lost White Gold Wedding Band Found In The Poconos.

  • from Reading (Pennsylvania, United States)

Jason contacted me be text and asked if I could search for his lost wedding band. While throwing ball with his dog, he felt the ring fly off his finger and thought he heard it land in an area of thick ferns and leaves along a wooded area. I arrived a few days after he contacted me and he showed me the area he thought it may have landed. He tried searching with an old metal detector a frailly member had and he also began pulling out the ferns. I started my search and got a nice strong signal after searching for only 5 to 10 min. I found the ring under some leaves and grass in the area he pulled out the ferns. He was so happy I found it and began telling me how he had it customed engraved by a gunsmith who does high-end engraving.

I am always so happy to return any lost item to it’s owner. I cover Central and Eastern Pennsylvania and will be happy to assist you. Call me at 610-207-8677.


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