Valuable Diamond Ring Found Omaha, NE

  • from Omaha (Nebraska, United States)

While at work I received an unexpected phone call form an insurance agent asking if I was still looking for rings.  He then begins to tell me that he has a client who has lost a 3.4 carat diamond ring valued at $50,000 dollars and if I would be interested in looking for it, I think I said “yes”.  He put me in contact with his client and we arranged to meet that afternoon.

By the time 3 pm rolled around the weather had gone from sunny and 60 to raining and 50 degrees.   Unfortunately I had left the house without even a jacket.  A quick stop at the store and I had a  jacket off the clearance rack, a rain suit, and umbrella.  I met the owner at the soccer complex, with umbrellas in hand we went out to where she was at two nights ago.  After hearing her story I was confident it was lost on the complex and fairly confident nobody had simply picked it up.

She went on her way and I got geared up to begin the search.  The rain came and went but the temperature continued to drop.  I started my search along the sidewalk but stopped after about 30 feet.  With roughly 500 feet of sidewalk, a couple hundred sq ft of soccer field, and only a few hours to hunt.  I opted to concentrate around the soccer field where I figured she probably dropped it.  By the time I finished looking around the soccer field, my shoes and gloves were soaked and I was chilled to the bone.  I decided to warm up a bit and started covering the sidewalk on my way back to the car, deciding to skip the last field because there was a poor group of 10 year old girls playing in that miserable weather.

Looking out into the chilly haze I thought about giving it up for the evening.  Then my phone rang it was Joe, I had invited him to come along for the hunt.  He was all geared up and would be there in a couple of minutes…..great.   His enthusiasm would curtail after a couple hours in this miserable weather.  He started hunting the opposite side of the sidewalk on his way out back out to the soccer field, while I drove and hit up another clearance rack for a warmer shirt and dry socks.  We hunted another 2 hours, with his enthusiasm chilled we decided to quit for the evening.

I knew the last chance would be the following evening (Friday), on the weekend there would be a thousand people at these fields.  I started with the sidewalk again covering the little bit of area I skipped the night before.  Not more than 100 feet and 15 minutes, I had a good signal…. pulled back the grass and saw the shiny item I was searching for.  I immediately called the owner and let her know that I found something she might be interested in and made arrangements the following day to return it.  I then placed a call to the insurance company, I’m not sure which one was happier.


1 Comment »

One Reply to “Valuable Diamond Ring Found Omaha, NE”

  1. Chris Turner says:

    That must have felt great when you saw that big diamond sparkling back at you from the grass! Congratulations on a big find!
    Happy Hunting, Chris

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