Lost Ring Found Under the Starlight of South Dennis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

October 2, 2023: While preparing for a monthly association meeting I just missed answering my cell phone. Luckily the caller followed the answering message and called my home line. My wife was near enough to get the phone to me before the caller hung up. The caller was Dennis and he had been cleaning off a swinging chair readying it for an hour or so of enjoying the morning sun and bright blue sky. Something that had not been seen for the previous few days of rain and heavy fog. As he brushed the leaves away, away went his wedding band.

In hours of searching he did not find the ring. At the local hardware store that rents a metal detector he was told that he would be very lucky to find the ring with their rental unit. With that said he was given information about the local guy (me) that has professional equipment for such a search and to contact him through TheRingFinders.com. And Dennis did.

As I said, I had a meeting to go to and the sun was setting about 6:30 with last light at 7PM. My luck and Dennis’s was that the meeting was very short and I could be detecting within 10 minutes, and I was. Twilight was replaced by moon light and flash lights so I could continue my searching.

I knew the ring would be somewhere within the area of the chair, fence, garden and grassy area. I covered the grassy area first as it was the easiest to detect over. No ring was to be found. Next I started between the chair and garden’s edge. I was going to leave the planted garden area for last. I had no need to, as the third swing between the chair and the garden’s edge I heard a very promising signal. A sweep with my pin-pointer and Dennis saw a glitter from his ring, even before I did. He was so fast in his motion of picking it up and putting the wedding band back where it belonged, on his finger. I never saw it happen.

Now it was time to do a bit of talking. Put retired Army and Navy men together and they can talk for hours. We cut it short and took a few pictures and said our Thank Yous and I was on my way back home knowing Dennis’s wife would have a bigger smile on her face than Dennis had on his, though it would be hard to do so.

Be All That You Can BeAnchors Aweigh

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