How to a Find Lost Ring on a Cape Cod Beach – Call a Ring Finder

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

A bad rain day turned bright after torrential downpour. In-between dime size rain drops Chuck and I headed into the water. A pile of rocks that should identify the spot of his lost wedding band was found. I started a grid search. On the start of my second pass, about three feet from the rock marker, BINGO, I heard a nice signal that was from Chuck’s ring. Boy that was easy. I wish all searches went that well. We made it back to the car, just in time for the next downpour. While waiting for the cloud burst to pass – we swapped stories. Then it was time for a couple of pictures and a big Thank You.



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One Reply to “How to a Find Lost Ring on a Cape Cod Beach – Call a Ring Finder”

  1. Chuck Cloutier says:
    July 18, 2015 at 5:13 PM

    Hi Rick,
    As I sit and look at my wedding ring you found, rest assured we are extremely appreciative that you took the time for us. After losing my wedding band on Saturday and my wife loosing her diamond stone from her setting on Sunday, believe me it was a weekend filled with heartache and emotional lows. When we met on Tuesday, I was hopeful to restore a glimmer of promise that we would be successful. For I had felt naked since Saturday. A deep sinking feeling was at the pit of my stomach each time I peered at my stripped finger.

    After getting in the water and bringing you to the last spot I believed it was, you took less than 3 minutes and under 3 feet from the mark to bring my emotions to an elevated state. We can’t thank you enough for your successful attempt to recover my ring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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