Tantalum is a rare earth metal often used in men’s wedding rings. The metal reads very similar to iron on metal detectors and can be difficult to find in metal rich locations.
HILLSBOROUGH, NJ, — A wedding ring was reunited with its owner in the woods in Central New Jersey today thanks to the Ringfinders Metal Detecting service.
This morning, I received a text from Rory who lost his ring in the woods while doing some yard work. The ring was made of rare earth metal, tantalum.
I arrived at the residence and listened to Rory’s description about how he lost the ring while doing yard work. The ring had been flung from the backyard into a wooded lot behind the residence.
Slowly the area was meticulously grid searched. Rory mentioned that he thought he heard the ring land perpendicular to the current search area.
As the search shifted to that area, a tone very similar to iron was detected in the leaves under a bush. As the leaves were cleared away, there lie the tantalum ring, 45 minutes into the search.

A tantalum ring is recovered after a 45 min search.
Rory was reunited shortly thereafter with the ring and was extremely grateful. Another successful recovery in central NJ for the Ringfinders team. Lose a ring in NJ? Give me a call – will travel anywhere in the state.

The tantalum ring’s owner, Rory receives his ring back.
After hours of searching the prior day for my lost ring, I stumbled onto ringfinders. Who knew services like this existed! Messaged Bill the next morning and within a couple of hours he arrived and was out scouring the woods. The search area has alot of black soil (same color as ring) and covered in a thick layer of leaves.
I was pretty skeptical that the ring would be found but in 45 min Bill came up with the prize.
Thanks for finding the inpossible Bill!
Not a problem at all, so happy to help!