Lost Your Ring? We can help!

Looking to rent/hire a metal detector? Why not find a metal detecting specialist who can help you find what you thought was lost forever. By contacting one of the metal detecting specialists on The Ring Finders Directory, you will have a much greater chance of success in finding your lost item.

We specialize in finding lost rings, watches, pendants (all jewelry) also cell phone & keys. Lost at beaches, parks, lakes and yards. Check your town & city for a metal detecting specialist near you.

Your Ring has a story attached to it… that story ends when you lose it! You now have a chance to continue that story by hiring a metal detecting specialist to find your lost ring!

Please Note: Beaches and public area jobs are high priority…(time is critical) the sooner a metal detecting specialist can search for your lost item the better your chances of recovery.

Our goal here at The Ring Finders is to offer you a second chance to find what you thought was lost forever.

Book Of Smiles Jewelry, watches, gold and silver coins and cash

  • #
    Found by
  • $ Million
    Jewelry Returned
    No Closeup Available
Photos donated by The Ring Finders team of independent metal detecting specialists.

17 Countries and Growing!

Book Of Smiles Cell phones, keys and other miscellaneous items

  • #
    Found by
  • $ Million
    Jewelry Returned
    No Closeup Available
Photos donated by The Ring Finders team of independent metal detecting specialists.

Latest Testimonials

  • The title “The Ring Hero” may seem like a superlative, but that is truly what Brian Rudolph is.
    testimonial for Brian Rudolph (2024)


    "So, you know when you get into one of those desperate situations where you feel like your only option is to call a professional, but you have no idea if it will be worth the cost or if it will even work out if you do so? That was the situation I was in yesterday after losing my wedding ring in a volleyball match. Immediately when I lost the ring me, my team, and the opposing team (7 people total) all got on our hands and knees to comb through the grass in hopes of finding it. After about 20 minutes or so of not being able to find anything, I frantically searched to find a store nearby that had a metal detector in stock. I got the only one I could find and spent another 3 frustrating hours searching with the metal detector while dealing with lots of false positives until it was dark (while my teammates also stuck around searching by eye), and then continued for another hour by myself trying to use a flashlight to see if I could see the reflection of the ring.

    After all of this I turned to the internet once again and found a Reddit post mentioning THE RING FINDERS network, which in turn led me to finding Brian Rudolph’s contact info. I messaged him to see if he was available to help. I was still a little frantic, but Brian responded relatively quickly to my message, called me up right away to get more details on the when, where, and how I lost my ring, and then we scheduled to meet up near the volleyball court the next morning.

    I must admit I was skeptical. It was kind of a last act of desperation to get my ring back and I wasn’t fully convinced he could find it. After all, multiple people spending multiple hours searching for it could not find it. Well, I met up with Brian right when he agreed to be on site (he was actually earlier than me). He talked me through how he was going to search for it. I was hopeful but somewhat questioning as Brian said he would start sweeping the outer perimeter of the court, far beyond where I was (center court) when I lost the ring, and then work his way into the center. After maybe 40 minutes Brian had finished his search of the outer perimeter and center court without finding anything. I was pretty disheartened at this point, but Brian was optimistic and said he would try searching even farther out than the initial sweep, on the opposite side of the court that I was on. I figured there was no chance of him finding it there, but figured why not, let him try. I had nothing to lose. Not ten minutes later was Brian shouting out to me to come over. He had found the ring about 45 feet from where I lost it, in less time than all the other people who tried to help find it.

    The title “The Ring Hero” may seem like a superlative, but that is truly what Brian Rudolph is. I cannot believe how quickly and easily he found the ring. More than that, he was incredibly optimistic the entire time, great at talking me through the process, and congratulatory when the ring was found. Throughout the entire process I did not feel pressured at all about pricing; Brian only asked for a small travel fee to cover him coming out and then a reward payment (whatever I thought was reasonable, he did not dictate how much or question the amount I suggested) that would only have to be paid if the ring was found. I really cannot recommend his services enough. I would have been fine losing the ring from a financial / materialistic aspect, it is after all just a thing that can be replaced, but the sentimental value associated with it is priceless and Brian was able to recover it for me. I am eternally grateful for that. If you lose something valuable, save yourself the headache and call Brian right away. He is worth every penny and a great guy in general."


    Rockville, Maryland

  • Dave is the best there is!
    testimonial for Dave Boyer (2024)


    Dave is the best there is! He was so kind and was willing to help! I called and he was here in less than an hour! I appreciate him so much! Thank you, Dave!

  • Jim, I truly believe words cannot express my gratitude to you for finding my wedding ring.
    testimonial for Jim Wren (2024)



    I truly believe words cannot express my gratitude to you for finding my wedding ring. But, I’ll give it my best shot.

    Matt and I met 7 years ago and knew immediately it was meant to be. He is my rock, my soulmate, my best friend. He and I have been through some wonderful times and some hard times. The birth of our daughter, Olivia, was one of those wonderful times. She is now four, and this was her very first trip to the beach. As we made our way into the surf, she was apprehensive and grasped my hand tightly. The waves that day were a bit rough, as I think you mentioned. I held her hand tight as I could, and we went in about calves-deep. One bigger-than-expected wave knocked her down, and ‘mama bear’ kicked in. I wasn’t thinking about anything else at that moment, I scooped her up, and we went back to our towels to dry off. A few minutes later I felt something was “off” and I glanced down at my left ring finger, which was now bare. My heart sank, I told Matt what happened, and we both cried. I thought back to our wedding day, the beautiful ceremony where we promised to love each other “til death do us part”, and my grandfather walking me down the aisle. My grandfather was more “dad” than grandpa, and one of my last memories with him in good health was him walking me down the aisle on my wedding day. It was only a year or so later that we lost him. I was so excited when you found my ring I didn’t even remember to tell you, but you remind me so much of my grandfather. He is my guardian angel, and I like to think he might have been helping us that day (or at least put in a good word with the man upstairs, haha). I just couldn’t believe the time and effort you put in, hours in the heat searching and searching. Many would have given up, but you didn’t. Thank you so much for your kindness and selflessness that day; you will always hold a special place in my heart.


    We were spectators watching this entire event unfold. We saw you arrive and begin working. After a few hours I had little hope of her ring being found. We were sitting in front of Kayla and Matt on the beach and my husband actually saw you the moment you found that ring. It was a very happy ending! I can imagine the relief she felt. Thank you for what you do!

  • I never would have found it without you!!
    testimonial for Jim Wren (2024)


    Thank you so so much! You are truly a life saver, I never would have found it without you!! We really appreciate it!!!!??

  • you were there to save the day!
    testimonial for Jim Wren (2024)


    Thank you so much, Jim!!! We are so grateful you were there to save the day!

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