Ring found on Pismo Beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Pismo Beach gives up another lost treasure

  • from Pismo Beach (California, United States)

The sun had just come up and I was in the back yard watering the plants with a cup of joe in my hand when the phone rang, it was a lady asking for help for a friend who had lost her diamond wedding ring the afternoon before in the surf at Pismo Beach. I asked for the details…Lindsay, the lady who had lost the ring had been setting in a few inches of water at the edge of the surf when an incoming wave just sucked the ring right off her finger, she saw it come off, but was not fast enough and the surf and sand buried the ring before she could even move. Reality set in as Lindsay frantically searched for the ring, it was gone and she thought she would never see it again.

Bright and early the next day Lindsay and family went back to the beach with a metal detector they had bought at Big-5, but not knowing how to use it and the fact it was not capable to operate in the surf they had just about given up hope when a local detectorist wandered by with an offer to help, but when he realized it was in wet sand and incoming surf he could not help either as he was not set up to work in the water, he suggested they contact me through “The Ring Finders” knowing of my capabilities to hunt in and out of the salt water.

I arrived at the location as fast as I could knowing there is only a small window to search with an incoming tide threating to cover the area which was exposed right then. I had told Lindsay to mark out an area on the beach giving me an approximation of where she had been setting so when I arrived I could start searching immediately. After two passes on the start of my search grid with waves hitting me knee high I had that tone in my headphones telling me I had a target that sounded right. I made one deep dig and after washing out the sand heard the rattle in my SS scoop that told me I had something good. I walked up to the dry sand where Lindsay and family were watching from and told her to look in the scoop…..she reached in and brought out the lost ring and then started to cry, she was sure the ring was gone and almost had called me, telling me not to come since it was lost in the surf and probably would not be found.

Lindsay got her ring back, I got the satisfaction of beating Pismo Beach out of another one and we all had a good day after that!

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