minnesota metal detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Wedding Ring Recovery Minnesota Metal Detecting

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

While playing kickball at a Minneapolis park, a young man lost his wedding band. He found www.theringfinders.com

He was diving for a catch in rightfield when he felt it pop off. They looked for hours and couldn’t find it. The field was thick with grass & weeds.

Glad I could help you out –


Lost Wedding ring found metal detecting Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Paul lost his wedding ring while helping a neighbor dig out of a snowstorm a couple years ago. As his anniversary was coming up, he browsed the internet for help finding his lost ring. He found theringfinders.com and gave me a call. It was a really quick recovery as the ring was on the side of his driveway just under the surface of the ground. He figured after helping his neighbor, he was walking up his drive and removed his gloves, causing the ring to come off. Congrats on the recovery Paul, it was nice talking with you and your family. Take Care.

Darrin –

Lost wedding ring recovery metal detecting Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Wedding ring lost while performing spring yard care.

Found by theringfinders.comĀ  –

Glad I could help out!!

Darrin ~


Lost key Minnesota metal detecting found recovery

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost key fob at the fall festival. FOUND!

DAndra lost this key fob at the fall festival though she lives quite aways from it, so I took a pic and will be sending the key to her. Hopefully I can get her to take a pic of her smile for a future upload.

Congrats DAndra, glad I could help out.




Lost family heirloom ring found minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost Heirloom ring at the fall festival, FOUND!!!

Lire lost her ring at the fall festival and was heartbroken, her friend contacted me and we set up a search time. Lire couldn’t meet me, though she gave a good description of the place she lost it. It took quite a while, though I finally found it. I did not get a picture with her smile, as my phone battery lost power before she was able to meet me. Luckily I took a Picture of the ring prior.

Congrats Lire, glad I could help out!



Lost engagement ring found minnesota minneapolis st. paul

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost engagement ring at the fall festival. FOUND!!!!

Congrats, glad I could help out!!


Lost engagement ring found minnesota minneapolis st. paul

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Lost engagement ring at the fall festival.

Haley & Alex – Thanks for meeting me out at the festival, it takes a lot of effort and time to search the whole area. Having you two pointing out the exact area makes it so much easier. Hopes and prayers for a long and happy marriage. Congrats!!! :O)
