Don’s wife contacted me through The Ring Finders to find her husband’s lost wedding ring. She wasn’t as enthusiastic as one might expect and upon arrival at their home I realized why. Turns out Don lost his ring about 6 weeks prior and never said anything to his wife, so she wasn’t very happy.
Don told me that while doing some work on their backyard landscaping, he felt the ring slip off his finger. He was quite confident that he’d find it by just searching but after several hours he wasn’t successful. He had the idea to search for it at night with a flashlight, but still no joy. Eventually, he gave up but hadn’t told his wife yet. When she found out, she sprung into action, found me in our directory and shortly after I was at their door.
Don was very specific about the location where he lost it, a spot with bushes and mulch. Within 1 minute of turning on my detector, the ring was in his hand. Likely, in his attempt to find the ring, he inadvertently covered it up even more by moving the mulch.
As I was departing, he thanked me for helping “save” his marriage. I don’t know if it was quite that drastic but he was obviously very relieved and grateful to have it returned.