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Lost Wedding Ring in Car Recovered Using Endoscope Camera by Member of TheRingFinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



I find lost jewelry, if you need help call as soon as possible.. Stan Ross .. 949-500-2136
… Monique called asking if I could help her find her wedding ring lost in her Toyota Tacoma truck. She told me that her wedding ring set was put on the dash of her vehicle, while applying hand lotion. She was in the driver’s seat and parked in the driveway of her residence. Both rings slid towards the windshield. The wedding ring disappeared, but she was able to recover the engagement ring. 

She believed it must have dropped into the heater / defrost vents in the dashboard. Monique works where they have mechanics that had tried to help her locate the ring. They removed some trim but were unsuccessful locating the small diamond ring. 

After discussing what had happened, I felt that my endoscope cameras may help me to locate her ring. We set up a time and day that was convenient for her for me to search her vehicle. Some of the trim that the mechanic had removed gave me access under the speaker and into defrost/ heater vents. I don’t normally remove seats or trim. There are so many little hiding places in cars.

After a hour of probing the 5mm camera head into the dash. Boom! .. the ring showed up. It was 3” or 4” down in a small hole at the left corner up against the windshield. Very difficult to access for attempting a retrieval. Finding an ring in a car is one thing, but recovering it without dismantling the dash, etc. can take forever. 

After several car searches I have many special tools for retrieving items in cars. I used a medical grasping device that is flexible. I could only use the camera to see the ring and guide the grasping device latch onto the ring. Successful recovery of Monique’s original wedding ring. She was very happy to have her ring back where it belongs.

Metal Detector Man available to help you now.. Member of TheRingFinders .. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE .. Call ASAP … Stan  949-500-2136

Successful Car Search for Diamond Engagement Ring Using a Endoscope Camera.. Ontario, California

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




















If you need help call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136

*** Eniola was desperate to find her diamond engagement ring , lost in her car a week before celebrating the first year anniversary since her fiancé proposed. She was very emotional when she contacted me. I took the time to find out that she had put it in a sunglass holder attached to the rear view mirror. 

When she reached up to get her ring, it fell from the rear view mirror into the front seat area. She definitely heard it hit something solid. After telling her the metal detectors do not work inside cars but I have endoscope cameras to search inside cars. These small rings can find many nooks and crannies to hide. They also move around as the car is driven. Searching with a endoscope camera is tedious and I can’t alway feel that I didn’t miss the lost ring.  Having a mechanic to remove seats, etc. can be an alternative but could be expensive. 

She agreed to meet me that afternoon to do a search. The car was a 2014 Dodge Charger. I began a quick search of the passenger side as Eniola believed that where the ring fell. Some of the carpets and trim had been pulled up during her search of the interior. After the first 30 minutes I moved over to the driver’s side for another quick scan. Not successful, it was a general scan. Eniola was had a look of doubt on her face. I told her I was about to get serious. I went back to the passenger side telling her I was starting this as a new search.

It only took 15 minutes into the new search to see the ring deep into the seat cover. The ring found its way trough the safety belt latch hole into the upholstery. It never reached the floor of the car.

I called her over to look at the picture of my endoscope and she broke out into tears of joy. Later Eniola told me she never cries. We were both overwhelmed. It took another 15 minutes to retrieve the ring without tearing into the upholstery. A special search for sure. These searches are not as easy as metal detecting a yard, beach or park..  

I Will Try Anywhere… Call or Text ASAP  .. 949-500-2136

How to Find My Ring at a Volleyball Court .. Irvine, California

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














Metal Detector Man mobile metal detecting service… Call or text ..  Stan .. 949-500-2136

… Raghu and his friends meet once a week to play volleyball at Deerfield Park in Irvine, CA. He has never had any problem with his wedding ring being lose or slipping off his finger. 

The day before contacting me he had been playing volleyball with his friends and he felt his gold wedding ring slip off his finger disappearing in the sand. He and his friends searched for it without success. He went home that evening discouraged about the loss. It bothered so much that he got in his car at 10pm that night and drove 25 miles to search again. It was frustrating because he knew it was in a 10ft.x 10ft. area. That search was unsuccessful.

The next morning he contacted me giving me the details. He was not able to meet me at the location but after hearing how the loss occurred, I felt it wasn’t necessary for him to leave his work place. 

He did send me a couple photos of the location which helped me get to the exact volleyball court. When I arrived the group that just finished their game session told me of the loss. I told them, I had already talked to Raghu. A few minutes later I was able to find the ring while the group of volleyball players witnessed the recovery. 

Raghu and his wife met me that evening at a public location. They were very appreciative asking me to share stories of other recoveries. We had a very enjoyable visit. It was my pleasure to help such a nice couple find their very special wedding ring. Words don’t explain the feelings that happen when you help someone find a ring.


If you need help or advice on how to find your sentimental keepsake, feel free to call or text me anytime… Stan the Metal Detector Man … Available Now … 949-500-2136

Platinum Wedding Ring Lost While Doing Yard Work in Montclair, CA. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Mobile Metal Detecting Service by Stan  “The Metal Detector Man” Call or Text ..  949-500-2136

*** Daniel had been doing yard work at his home in Montclair, CA. After a full day of pulling weeds and deposing of unwanted leaves and trash in his dumpster he discovered that his platinum wedding ring was missing from his finger. 

He spent the next day raking places he thought the ring might be but decided it was not going to be an easy find. Besides the possibility of the ring being in the planters or lawn area, it was a strong possibility the ring could be in the dumpster.

Daniel found my contact information while trying to by or rent a metal detector. After calling me and discussing his loss we decided that I could do the search without him taking time off work. 

The loss occurred in the front yard and his wife would be home to show me the general area he had been working. Then if it didn’t show up there, I could scan the dumpster. 

A short time later while doing a scan of the lawn and planters, BOOM ! The ring was found under a inch of fine silt dirt near the planters. I texted his wife. She came out of the house to get the ring and see where it was found.  She immediately did a FaceTime call to Daniel, showing him the ring. Another fun recovery and smiles all around.

Call or Text anytime for information on how this service works .. I’m glad to assist you in anyway possible… “ I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Small Gold Pendant Recovered from Sand in a Irvine, CA. Volleyball Court

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










If you need help finding your lost keepsake… Call or Text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** A young lady named MT had lost her gold flower pendant while playing volleyball at a public park in Irvine, CA. She was positive that it came off when her necklace broke. We were able to meet at the site short time after she called.

After MT gave me a description of the small pendant, I was able to find her pendant in the sandy volleyball court. I actually thought I was digging a piece of tin foil but it was very small. It fell through the screen mesh of my sand scoop and she spotted the glimmer of the gold in the sand.

A very happy and thankful lady was relieved to have her sentimental pendant back in her possession.

Sentimental Silver Ring Found at San Clemente State Beach, CA. .. by Ringfinder Stan Ross

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Pricilla called asking if I could help her find a silver ring that she believed was lost the day before at San Clemente State Beach , CA.  She was at work when she called me and not available to meet me at the location.

It’s always best if the person that lost the ring can meet me at the location but she was able to send me a couple screen shots and photos that were taken to help me get in the general location. 

It was not a problem to go search the location without having Pricilla take time off from her work. Traffic was better for me to travel to short after she called. 

I arrived at the San Clemente State Park and was  able to avoid paying day parking because I always buy a yearly state beach parking pass. The walk down the hill was the hardest part of the search. Found the silver ring in the dry sand within a half hour of grid searching with my metal detector.

Pricilla met me that evening after work in a public location closer to her home. She was ecstatic and grateful to have this special sentimental keepsake back where it belongs.

If you need help finding a ring, jewelry or any metallic important item Call or Text me ASAP. I’m always available to help you answer any questions you have about how this service works.  STAN THE METAL DETECTOR MAN ..  949-500-2136

Newport Beach, CA. Lost Wedding Ring Found and Returned to Owner

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)



***  Gabby’s husband put his gold wedding band in his sandals on the dry sand at the beach while he went for a swim in the ocean. When he returned , he picked up his sandals and walked to his home two blocks a way. 

That’s when he realized his ring had to be back in the sand. Returning to the spot he couldn’t find the ring. His wife, Gabbby called me. She gave me verbal directions saying she would meet me in a half hour. 

I was there before Gabby showed up, so I began my grid search with my metal detector. I found the gold wedding ring before she showed up. So she was very happy and surprised that her call for help worked out successfully.

Three Silver Rings Lost on SoCal Beach in the Sand .. Recovered the Next Morning Using a Metal Detector Service

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile Metal Detecting Service available to help you now … Call Or Text Stan .. 949-500-2136

*** Carlos put 3 silver rings on the beach towel,while he went into the ocean. When he returned he picked up his towel and returned to his house. It was there at home he realized that his ring must be back at the beach in the sand. 

He called me the next morning and we met at the location. He showed me exactly where had been . I moved a bit to the north to get a few practice swings in. Good thing I did the move outside the place he marked on the sand. All three silver rings were found on my first grid line. 

Carlos was excited to get his rings recovered and he knew that we were lucky to have avoided the beach cleaning machines. He was glad that he did a internet search for metal detecting service.

Monarch Bay Resort, Dana Point, CA .. Lost Gold Diamond Earring Recovered from Sand and Returned to Owner.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










If You’ve Lost a Valuable and You Need Metal Detecting Service , CALL now .. Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

*** Brittany’s mother called me asking if I could help,her daughter find a gold earring lost in the sand . After finding out the loss happened the night before and it was at Monarch Bay Club in south Laguna Beach, i told her I could be there within the hour.

They made arrangements for me to get trough the security gate for access to easy parking. We met on the beach near the firepits. She actually lost the earring while searching for her matching earring that was thought to be lost in the same place.

I was able find the earring soon after starting a grid search. The second earring was not there. I could say that with confidence as I spent a lot of time with two different detectors and this was not a small gold target. It just wasn’t there. She agreed after seeing some of the small micro targets I found. Also the best clue was she did not feel or do anything to dislodge the first earring. She only believed it was there because that was where she noticed it missing. 

They were happy to get the one earring and now we are hoping the other earring is turned into the  nearby restaurant or grounds facility. It could also be several other places. I only can tell them I’m confident that the second earring is not in the same location where I had found first one.  All calls are different and I wish I could find everything. You can’t find it if it’s not there.


Dana Point, CA and All beaches, parks and yards are areas a metal detector can help you find your lost valuables.. Call or Text Now.. 949-500-2236  ..”I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Engagement Ring Lost at San Clemente Beach, CA. .. Found by Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












IF you lost something a metal detector can find call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136


*** Zack’s wife Cassie gave him her wedding rings to hold while they were at San Clemente Beach, CA. He accidentally lost both rings in the sand near where they were set up on the beach. Later that after noon he was able to get a metal detector and found one of the rings. 

That night was very emotional and they both figured the diamond platinum engagement ring was lost forever. Zack contacted the insurance company to file a claim, but nothing will replace the original sentimental engagement ring.

Then somewhere he was told about my service . He called me that next morning as a last resort because he was positive that if he found one ring with the his metal detector he should have found both rings. I met him later and was able to find the ring just a few feet down the slope where the tide must have dragged the ring.

He was excited, calling his wife Cassie to come to the beach where we could surprise her with the beautiful engagement ring. Zack was holding his son, Jethro who was probably wondering what was going on.. It was a pleasure to be available to help a very nice family and make this a happy vacation to remember.