lost jewelry recovery newport beach calif Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders


  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)





Do You Need Help Fing Something of Value ? Stan the Metal Detector Man is Available to Help You Now. Call or Text:  949-500-2136

*** Jordan is a student at University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. He had been on a early morning run on campus when he heard a small ping of a key hitting the cement walkway. He immediately knew it had to be his mail box key which was on his ID tag that is attached by a lanyard.

He was sure it had hit he concrete sidewalk bouncing into the grass. Updated me with the details. It was a short drive for me, less than four miles from my location. He could meet me there in fifteen minutes. Perfect, I was on my way and it sounded like an easy search. 

We met soon after the call. Jordan walked me to a large lawn area pointing across the grass. My heart sank, now the story seemed to change. It has happened more than once. Then he told me the sidewalk was the other side of the large grassy field. 

After walking over the field the spot narrowed down to 5 feet. I got two targets right away, the second one was the brass or bronze key.. Awesome!, I thought I was into two or three hour search. Jordan thought he might have to pay for the loss of the key plus the cost of a new key. Two happy people off to enjoy the rest of a beautiful day.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”… Finding your valuables is important to me .. Call now !  Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  

Diamond Wedding Ring Lost Near Fire Pit.. Labor Day Holiday .. Huntington Beach, CA,.. Found Four Days Later

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












If you lost your ring in the sand, Call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man” available now … Call or Text  .. 949-500-2136

*** Isaiah’s wife had lost her wedding ring while the family was at Huntington State Beach, CA. The loss occurred the first day of Labor Day weekend. Isaiah was sure his wife had lost the white gold diamond ring in the wet sand while digging holes withe their young daughter. He came back Subday and Monday searching for the ring with various tools.

On Tuesday about 5:30pm, Isaiah. Called me for help. He could meet me an hour later. I was able to get to the location near the lifeguard tower where he believed the ring could be. When Isaiah arrived I asked him where else they spent time on the beach, assuming they had their towels at the nearest dry sand.  He said, they had spent most their time 100 yards across the sand at the fire pits.

That was the most likely area to search because his wife had spent mist the day in that location. Actually it could have been anywhere an the beach because she had not felt the ring come off her finger. She did not realized the ring was missing until the got in the car Saturday night. Many hobby detectorists search fire pits, especially during big three day holidays. We moved out of the low tide surf zone to search the sand around the fire pits. If the ring was lost near the fire pits other people may have thrown it in the ashes when they extinguished fire by throwing sand on the fire.

I asked Isaiah to take his shovel to pull sand away from the cement fire ring that was iron  rebar reinforced. A few minutes later I got a very nice signal. It was dark, so I reached into my sand scoop and felt a large ring with a big setting in the bottom.  I was believing it was a more traditional thin wedding band with small diamonds. I held the scoop out to Isaiah and he was in total disbelief. So was I, four days in a very heavily detected area is unbelievable. 

A side note is he had just made the last payment on this ring. Also it was not insured. Nothing replaces the original wedding ring. That motivates me to keep helping others with this metal detecting service.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring Lost in Surf While Celebrating 20th Weddind Anniversary .. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










If you lost your ring in the sand call  “Stan the Metal Detector Man” available now … Call or Text  .. 949-500-2136

… Dave and his family are from Minnesota visiting his sister Sarah. They were out here celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Three days before returning home they went to Crystal Cove State Beach, just up the coast from Laguna Beach, CA. There day was up set when Dave got knocked down by a wave, losing his custom made gold and diamond wedding ring that he had worn for 20 years.

I was contacted by a text from Sarah three days later at 6:30pm Sunday evening. We only communicated by text. She told me what had happened. The time that it happened and sent me a couple photos. I know that beach well, so I was confident that I could get to the general area without her driving 35 miles to point out the site.

I checked the tides when the loss occurred and the next best low tide. I would not be able to talk to Dave because he was on an airplane returning home. This was worth a gamble. I set my alarm for 4:30am so I could catch the next low tide. If I didn’t find the ring, I could talk to Dave getting more details from the person who lost the ring.

After about an hour and half, I got a faint signal in black wet sand. I very seldom discriminate while doing a ring search, so I dug the signal. YEP .. there in the pile of sand was a gold ring with diamonds. It had to be Dave’s ring.. 

Later that morning I contacted Sarah with the good new including a photo of the ring.. She was able to pick it up that afternoon. That night I received a FaceTime call from Dave , thanking me for finding his wedding ring of 20 years. We talked for 20 minutes. He told me the story of how he and his wife designed two matching rings for their wedding. I also got a call from his aunt telling me how grateful everyone was that the ring had been recovered.

It was another happy day for all concerned. I know that these rings lost in the surf are not always easy to find. This one may not have been detectable if we waited one more day. Sand moves every tide on these beaches and we have six foot tide changes.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

How to Find a Lost Earring in a Lawn with a Metal Detector .. Brentwood, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

*** Gene and his wife went to his daughter’s outdoor birthday party. In Brentwood which is a city in Los Angeles, CA. The party was a few blocks away from his house. After returning home that same evening his wife realized he very favorite and most sentimental diamond/ gold earring was missing. 

He thought that he might try renting a metal detector to find it on his own. Doing his research Gene came across TheRingFinders directory. He called me with a few questions about the service works. He told me that the earring had to be at his home, in the car or at the home where they spent most the evening on the lawn near the pool.

I briefed him on the experience I have recovering lost metallic items. From what he told me, there were several places I could use my metal detector and I have a couple other tools that enable me to search inside cars. I definitely could help eliminate areas that may hide a small  earring. 

We met that afternoon at his place. He asked if I would like to search the car first. I felt we should start where she had spent the most time. That would be the lawn area a quarter mile down the road. He had brought the matching earring so I could use it to set up my metal detector..The grass could be a great hiding place for a small gold diamond earring. The yard wasn’t very large so I began my search at the far end. 

Gene got a little nervous when he could hear my detector sound give a signal. I had to explain that this is why people get frustrated when they have never used a metal detector. He was sitting close to me when I got a surface pull tab signal. I called it and was able to show him how the ID numbers and the tone of the signal work. Shortly after that I got two different signals. I told him one was probably another pull tab but the other could be a small gold item. “ Boom” I checked the second signal and could see the diamonds and gold deep in the grass.

Normally I don’t call signals before I check them, because I’m usually wrong. Gene went ballistic bursting out with the words I hear often, “I DON’T BELIEVE IT”. He had to tell me that he never thought the earring could be found. That is something I also hear often. I believe you can’t find it if you don’t try!! I’ve seen miracles!!

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Diamond Stud Earring Lost in a Plush Deep Pile Carpet .. Beverly Hills, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











“I FIND JEWELRY”  call Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need  help ..  949-500-2136

*** I got a call asking if I could help find a small white gold stud earring lost inside a home. Maybe she read my moto “I Will Try Anywhere”. It seems Brittney knocked her stud earring off a table into a thick deep pile of a plush carpet . This wasn’t the first time a diamond stud earring disappeared in this same rug. She was able to contact me after a google search on the internet.

We discussed the situation and made arrangements for me to meet at the apartment in Beverly Hills area of Los Angeles, CA. When I arrived, I was surprised that it was a 30 story building. There was only valet parking. I was on the guest list and they escorted me to one of the upper units. This is a lot different from finding rings lost in the sand at the beach.

Brittney was frustrated that she couldn’t find this small stud earring in the thick pile plush carpet. It was a replacement fir one that had been lost just a couple months before. I had told her before I came that I couldn’t use my large detectors inside. The two pinpointers I brought could get a signal but only within 1 inch of the earring.  The big disappointment was that there was metal in the floor that made the hand held pinpointer metal detector give false signals.

On to plan “B” , I had a large MagnifyGlass actually a iPad Using a magnifying app and bright lights. So I began hand searching the thick carpet. After awhile, I went to plan “C”. It was a large removable carpet ( 12’x 20’). We were able to pick up one side enough to use the pinpointer ( away from the metal interference in the floor) . Probably only 7 or 8 feet from one end of the rug. While we were doing that task, we shook the rug. After putting the rug back in place.

The diamond stud earring had fallen out out he depths of the fabric to the surface. It was visually seen on top of the fibers in the white carpet. Successful recovery that took more than an hour and a half. Brittney was more than ecstatic, happy to this special gift back where it belongs. This could have very well been vacuumed up or stuck in this carpet forever.

“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ Call Now, I can answer any questions about finding your lost valuable .. Stan .. 949-500-2136

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in the Sand at Bolsa Chica State Beach, CA. .. Found near Firepits

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











“I FIND JEWELRY”  call Stan the Metal Detector Man if you need  help ..  949-500-2136

*** Justin called asking if I was available to search for his white gold wedding ring at Bolsa Chica State Beach, CA. This state beach is located in Orange County, CA. and is actually in the City of Huntington Beach, CA. 

He and his family spent the afternoon and evening set up at the fire pits. They set up a small tent to get away from the afternoon breeze. Justin put his wedding ring inside a pocket in the tent. After packing up the tent he remembered the ring when packing up the car. 

Returning to the firepit to hand search the sand proved futile. The next morning he called me giving me verbal directions and a photo of the area. Justin was not able to meet me at the location but I felt it would be more important to get to the location as soon as possible. I had enough information to do the search. Timing is the most important factor for a successful search.

I had received the call at 7:30am and had Justin’s ring in the sand scoop before 9:00am. I love being able to leave promptly on these types searches because it’s very important. Justin was surprised when I sent him a photo of his ring so soon after he gave me all the landmarks as where he believe his ring might be. He met me that afternoon after he got off work.  He is a fireman and it was my pleasure to help a guy who job is to help others. A happy camper and very nice guy.

Don’t wait, call as soon as possible… Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Wedding Ring Playing Volleyball at Manhattan Beach, CA. .. Recovered wIth Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..  949-500-2136

… Chris was playing beach volleyball at Manhatten Beach, CA. when he lost his Tungsten wedding ring. He didn’t feel it come off but he did know it was on before starting the game. Immediately after winning the game and before leaving the area around the volleyball court, he noticed his ring wasn’t on his finger. 

Chris was given my contact information by one of his neighbors. He said he would be able to meet me at the location. When I arrived, I told him this could be an easy recovery because he called me and I was there within a couple hours of the loss.  To most people it seems that this would be a simple search, but I have been surprised by how far a ring lost playing volleyball can end up. I try not to get overconfident that it’s going to be a fast recovery. 

Chris felt that it should be on the north side of the court. That’s where I started my grid search. He stayed with me as I found a few coins and metal trash. After finishing that side of the volleyball net, I could see Chris was beginning to lose hope. For some reason he had felt the ring had to be in that area. I have found rings lost while playing volleyball in the strangest places. Volleyball players are very active and there is major hand motions.

Well, after 30 minutes, I moved to the south side of the net. On the second pass near the net. “Boom”, a strong signal in my headphones which turned out to reveal the wedding ring in my sand scoop. Chris close  enough to me to hear the clanking of the heavy ring in my scoop. He knew we had found his ring. Big smile and a happy man to have his wedding ring back where it belongs.

Don’t wait, call as soon as possible… Stan the Metal Detector Man …  949-500-2136  .. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Lost Necklace with Pendants in the Sand at Baby Beach, Dana Point, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)











Metal Detecting Service .. Call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..  949-500-2136

… Nancy called me from her home in Victorville, CA. She and her husband had spent the day with their child at Baby Beach, Dana Point, CA. Nancy’c husband had given her his necklace for safe keeping as he went for a swim. She placed it with their belongings in a beach bag. 

At the end of the day, they packed up everything to drive the 125 miles to Victorville, CA. An hour into the drive her husband asked about the necklace. Nancy couldn’t find it and they were too far away to return to the beach.

The next morning Nancy got online locating my contact information. When she told me what happened and that her husband was very upset. She sent me a marked up Google earth screen shot. I told her there were probably too many people on the beach to search the dry sand of this small beach. I did get to the beach a couple hours before people started leaving. It was worth getting to search as people were leaving. 

I had covered most the area with only a couple families left in the area of the loss. Then the family that had a large tarp like blanket laid out on the sand, picked up and left. I walked over to grid search where the had been. Immediately I git a signal, looked down and in plain sight was the necklace with two large pendants. It had been under the blanket all day. I’m sure somebody would have found it within minutes. 

So glad to have waited and searched as people left the site. Nancy was elated when I texted her the good news. She wanted to surprise her husband. When they came to the beach a week later, I met Nancy and gave her the necklace. She walked back and surprised her husband after keeping it a secret for a week.

I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “  Don’t wait call now!  Stan ..  949-500-2136..