How to find lost earing St. Albert Tag | The Ring Finders

How to find lost earing St. Albert Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost One Gold Diamond Earring! St. Albert, Alberta. Found

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Stan on Monday morning asking if I could help him find his wife’s earring that she had lost while planting lilacs in her back yard.  I met with Stan and his wife Brenda, and Brenda explained to me what she was doing that day and that it was only after cleaning up that she realized she had a missing earring. I started at the last hole Wendy dug checking around the lilac bush and there I found the small gold back to the earring. I pulled out the lilac tree and checked the hole for the earring but it was nowhere to be found.  

I thought the earring had to be close by but that was not the case.  I spent the next couple of hours scanning both Brenda’s back and front yard with no luck.  After asking many questions trying to jog Brenda’s memory she thought that she may have lost it in the shower and it had possibly gone down the drain.  I told Brenda I would return the following day with my camera so I could check her shower drain. I returned the next day and decided to take another shot at the back yard using a different metal detector White’s(V3I). As I knew the earring had to be close by! Within 20 minutes of scanning the front yard I found her earring next to a cedar bush that I had scanned the previous day. Brenda was very happy when I informed her that her earring had been found.

Another Happy client, Thank you Stan and Brenda for allowing me to find you lost earring.