help find lost ring stockbridge michigan Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Engagement Ring With Diamonds Found In Wixom Michigan

I Dig Chicks With Sparklers!


The pictured couple was enjoying the 4th of July today playing with a RED ball under WHITE cloudy skies in a pool of BLUE water with their little FIRECRACKER daughter. She’s extremely active and full of energy and was described as having the energy of a hummingbird. As they were in the pool she threw the ball out of the pool onto the grass. Mom got out and upon returning the throw her engagement ring came off. When we talked they had been using a toy type metal detector so I said I can come by and wanted to make their 4th of July a better day. When I got there, chatting with mom where the ring may have fell off the lil’ daughter was zapping around the yard just like what they said. I started a grid search and it didn’t take too long when I got “the signal” we detectorists refer to as “the one”! Pinpointing with my Garrett carrot revealed this beautiful SPARKLER showing itself to me from the dark grass, mesmerizing me momentarily with it’s beauty making me feel like I wish time could stand still a bit longer! Mom came running over and reached down and pulled the ring from the grass totally ecstatic and frantically jumping up and down. Fiancee’ followed and their energy displayed was a different kind of FIREWORKS! I thanked them and they thanked me and I wished them the best in their new journey together pursuing their American dream and keeping the American Spirit Alive!