detecting help near me Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Cellphone in the Sand at Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. if you need a metal detecting Expert… Call or Text .. 949-500-2136 ..
…. Amanda and Adrian were at Balboa Pier in Newport Beach. While on the beach Amanda lost her phone in the sand. Luckily Adrian had his phone and he contacted me.

I met them on the beach a short time after he called.  It wasn’t a fast recovery as sometimes happens with this type of loss. We did save the day by finding it within an hour of grid searching with a top of the line metal detector and a Xtreme Titanium sand scoop.

You can see the happy smile of Amanda in the photo I took.

If you need help call now for information or help .. Stan ..949-500-2136

Cellphone with Credit Cards Lost on First Day of Vacation .. Found by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you have lost any metal item that’s important to you .. Call or text ASAP.. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Venessa and Heather’s family were vacationing at Sunset Beach, Orange County, CA. They were staying for a week in a beach front rental. The first evening of their stay Heather’s husband lost his celphone that had his credit cards in the case.

Venessa called me asking for help the next morning.  They had videos that showed the iPhone in his back pocket ready to dislodge from his pocket.

The most likely spot didn’t reveal the phone. No problem, he was positive of the limits of his actions that night. Maybe a third of a football field. Could take a little time but I knew it would show up if it had not been picked up. The area did not have much foot traffic, so I wasn’t worried about that.

It did take an hour and a half but it could have been quicker if I started from the left instead of starting on the right side of the zone. Vacation saved ! It was my pleasure to be available to help them.

Call or text now, I will answer the call.. Timing is important especially in a public area. It is possible to search an area even if you can’t be there. Don’t give up, we can discuss all the possibilities of recovering your most sentimental item.. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE”

Stan the Metal Detector Man … 949-500-2136

Email :

Lost Necklace and Pendant Found for Owner at Playa Del Rey Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you lose something that a metal detector can be used to find ? Call an experienced metal detector expert .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Jake lives a couple blocks from the beach at Playa Del Rey, one of the Los Angeles County beaches. He often does a sunset swim in the ocean. He called me after losing a special necklace with a pendant in the dry sand.

It seemed he had taken off his necklace laying it with his t-shirt and towel at shoreline.

He called me at 10:30 pm asking for help. It sounded like a search I could do the next morning but he was anxious to do it that night.

I met him at 11:30pm and we had the cherished necklace and pendant shortly after starting the search.

Jake told me that this was special to him as it was a gift from his grandfather many years ago.. It is always rewarding to hear how sentimental these keepsakes are.. When I see people wearing jewelry I know it’s not a piece of metal or nice looking stone. Most often it has a special story or meaning to the person that is wearing it. It was my pleasure to help Jake.

I can help you or can find another person that can help you.. Call 24/7 for assistance.. Stan .. 949-500-2136 .. Available now.. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Prescription Sunglasses Dropped Off Dock into Bay .. Newport Beach, CA. Recovered by Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Newport Beach Ring Finder Stan Ross .. Mobile Metal Detecting Service .. Call or Text Now .. 949-500-2136

*** I was at my favorite taco shop having lunch when Eric called asking for help to find a pair of expensive prescription sunglasses. My first question was, where are you? He told me Malibu Farms Resturant. I thought it would be located in Malibu. I told him could not drive that far as I had another appointment this afternoon.

He called me back saying the Malibu Farms Lido is located in Newport Beach, CA. near Lido Island. I was two miles from his location, so met him a few minutes later. He told me he set his sunglasses on his dockside table. A few minutes later he knock the glasses off his table into the water..  I wasn’t sure what the conditions were or how deep the water was.

When I got to the floating dock. I had difficulty seeing the bottom because of the reflections and glare on the surface. I did know the tide was falling but the bottom was still too deep to retrieve anything without getting in the water.

I took time to go back to my car for my sand scoop which is about 5 ft. long. Meanwhile the tide is receding about one foot an hour.  By the time I returned the bottom was only 3 feet deep. I could see the sunglasses. I did not use the scoop to retrieve the glasses for fear I would damage them. There was a random stick floating nearby and that’s what was used to get the glasses out of the water. We were lucky to have the tides working in our favor. When the glasses were dropped it was close to 7 ft. deep. The water level dropped about 4 ft. saving the trouble of diving for the loss item.

Eric was very happy to get his favorite glasses back. He told me a lady at the resturant gave him my contact information.   I had found two rings lost at a park in the lake four years ago.

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

Possible Buried Treasure in Backyard .. Cleared for Peace of Mind .. South Gate, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Many people don’t understand how a metal detector service works. Feel free to call so we can discuss the possibilities using a professional metal detectorist to help you find your important lost jewelry or any metal item. “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ ..  Mobile Metal Detecting available to help you now … 949-500-2136

*** Marie’s father had dementia the last years of his life. There were rumors that he may have buried valuables in the backyard. Marie is living in the same property and was getting ready to have a cement patio installed over the area of the yard where the treasure may have been buried.

She called me telling me that they had checked the area with a rented metal detector. She was not sure how well the detector worked. They had difficulty operating the detector. She wanted a professional metal detector expert to check the area.

I came to check the area two days before the contractor was going to pour the concrete. Our agreement was, I would only scan the area with my equipment. They would dig the locations I marked up..

A few days later Marie sent me photos of the metal items that were buried in the yard. No treasure, but peace of mind, that they didn’t cover up a treasure with a cement slab.

If you have lost something that is important to you. Call or text me at 949-500-2136 … I can answer any questions you may have about my recovery service. Available to help you 24/7 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man

Lost in Beach Sand .. Cartier Love Bracelet at Newport Beach .. Recovered by RingFinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


Who are you going to call when you lose something in the sand, grass, surf or any place that can’t be visually searched.. Call or text .. Stan the RingFinder … 949-500-2136

*** Laura was on her vacation with her family visiting Newport Beach. She called me the day after closing her white gold Cartier Love Bracelet. Her call came about noon which concerned me as this beach gets a daily sifting by the beach cleaning crew. Objects as large as a bangle type bracelet can be picked up by the sifting machine or moved a distances from the loss zone.

Like many people, Laura had no idea of how a metal detector works, so I took a few minutes to demonstrate. We discussed where she had been the day she realized her precious bracelet went missing. I told her I would be removing all metal signals as I did the grid search and this is a tedious process that may take a couple hours. It is not something that she has to stand by to help. She could go about her day on the beach and I would let her know when and if I found the bracelet.

About an hour into the rather large search area, I got the perfect signal. I was almost positive that this was the treasure I had been searching for. One scoop with my sand scoop prove this was Laura’s White Gold Cartier Love Bracelet. I walked over to where she had set up her beach chair at the waters edge to present her with the bracelet. Always a very emotional moment and definitely hard to express the reaction we get when we can return an item that they believed was lost forever.. 

I provide a mobile metal detecting service for all of Orange County and Los Angeles County. Basically any of the Southern California cities.. Call or text now for service or information on how this works… Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136 … I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Small Gold Pendant Found in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. Returned to a Grateful Mother

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)










If you’ve lost anything in the sand call Stan the Metal Detector Man ..  949-500-2136

*** Anna was on the beach with her husband and two small children. When the picked up her young son, she inadvertently snagged his necklace braking it. She salvaged the gold chain but the very small gold pendant disappeared into the sand.

The loss occurred a short distance from where I live  but I was an hour away on another search on the other side of town. They said they would be on the beach for a couple more hours, so we set up to meet later in the afternoon. 

Traffic was cooperating and parking was easy to get me there before they had to leave. I was glad to have my high frequency metal detector with me which is a must for finding micro small jewelry. Anna had marked the spot with a stick. She also showed me an identical pendant which she also wears. 

A short time later I got a very short but solid signal on my metal detector. It took about five or six attempts with my sand scoop to retrieve the pendant as it kept falling through the larger holes in the scoop. Anna and her husband were totally surprised and expressed their joy and gratitude for my help. 

I am available to help you now.. I WILL TRY ANYWHERE .. For prompt service call .. Stan .. 949-500-2236

Wedding Rings Lost in the Sand .. Malibu, CA. .. Recovered Next Day By Ringfinder

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














Mobile metal detecting available to help you now.. Stan the metal detector man… Call or text .. Stan  949-500-2136

… I received a early morning text asking help to find three rings lost the day before. Lisa told me that the rings were set on the towel while putting on sunscreen. She didn’t realize them missing until they were driving home. 

The next morning Lisa and her husband went back to the beach with a metal detector they purchased at a sporting goods store. Knowing they didn’t have any experience with a metal detector. They called me to ask for help. I asked them to claim the area so nobody set up in the search site.

I met them on the beach after they spent an hour with the metal detector none of the rings showed up. We were lucky that the beach cleaning machines had not worked the beach that morning.

I set up my machine knowing we had three targets which made the odds of finding the lost rings better. I didn’t start in the best area, but I did get a single signal as I narrowed down the search location. Everyone was starting to lose nope. Then I got a single signal with no other signals near it. One dig with the sand scoop prove to be a yellow gold Cartier Love ring. I called Lisa over to claim the ring as I swung my detector coil for another signal. No signal. 

When I looked back in my scoop, there were two white gold rings hiding in the silver colored stainless steel scoop. Amazing and another learning experience for me. They must have been laying together or maybe the thicker yellow gold ring dominated the signal. The most important fact was these irreplaceable sentimental rings were saved and back where they belong.

It’s always a gamble to try a beach search after days have past on our Southern California beaches especially on the dry sand towel areas. I’ve learned that we can’t give up. Part of the search process is to confirm that the lost item is not there. I try to give people that ask for my help that information so they understand how it works. I use the best metal detectors and have experience using them. If the item isn’t there, I can’t find it, but in most cases I can verify it’s not there. Which helps people to eliminate an area. Finding lost items is a process of elimination..

Call or Text  949-500-2236 .. Stan the Metal Detector Man member of TheRingFinders if you need advice or a search

Texas A&M Aggie Gold Ring Lost on a Southern California Beach .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)




















Stan the Metal Detector Man Mobile Search Service Available to Help You Now … Call or Text 949-500-2136  

… JONES called me after losing his Texas A&M Gold Ring in the sand at a Southern California beach.. He said he didn’t feel it come off.  It was going to be dark by the time he could meet me on the beach. JONES said he believed the ring came off when he rinsed his hands off in the cold water. 

We met on the beach as the tide starting to come up. After looking at all the possibilities to where the ring could be lost. I elected to search the towel line because that’s where he spent most of his time on the beach. Also the tide had already advanced high enough that tomorrow’s low tide would be best time to go for the ring. He hadn’t spend much time at the water’s edge and did not feel the ring come off his finger.

From my experience the ring had a better possibility of being in the area he spent most the day. Tomorrow the city beach cleaning machines will be sifting the sands and the usually hit the towel line thoroughly.

After about 20 minutes the big heavy gold Texas A&M Aggie ring was recovered. Jones was a happy guy. These rings are very coveted by graduates of Texas A&M. I was also happy that I guessed the ring was in the dry sand and I hadn’t wasted time trying to find it in the crashing surf.

I can search cars, homes and water where metal detectors can’t be used. I you need advice or assistance looking for a lost or misplaced valuable please feel free to call or text. 

Stan .. 949-500-2136   “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE

Big Diamond Ring … Recovered from Sand at Southern California Beach by member of TheRingFinders

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













.. Britney believed that her very sentimental and very expensive 7 ct. diamond ring was lost at a Southern California beach. The loss happened three days before contacting me. She didn’t feel the ring fall off her finger, only realizing the missing ring while driving home.  Her insurance company recommended that she contact a member of TheRingFinders. When I replied to her text, she told me that she just a few minutes to talk before leaving to pick up her daughter from school.

It was late in the afternoon and I thought I might have to set up this search for the next morning. I did have time to find out Britney would not be able to meet me at the location. In my opinion, I believed I should make the hour drive attempting a preliminary search with the sketchy directions she gave me.  Part of the area is a play area that gets a lot of attention from hobby detectorists. The other possible location was a large section of main beach which is sometimes known as “no man’s land”, the area of sand between parking lot and the towel line.

I made the drive and was able to talk with Britney one more time after I arrived. She couldn’t add much to the directions given to me on our first phone call. I made sure to thoroughly grid search the play area first. Then proceeded to grid search half a football field zone that she had set up their beach blanket. 

There was 30-35mph winds blowing sand that evening as the sun beat an to set. It was looking like I might have to return the next morning. This area might be larger that Britney described, she said it was about 100 -150ft out. ( some people are good about judging distance?) I started in the middle going north. Then I came back to go south. The second 150 ft pass I got a great signal just where I was doing the turn around. Boom !! Big 7 ct. diamond in a white gold setting. Successfull recovery just before thinking this was going to be a two day search.. This was an awesome search because I had very few details to work with and three days had passed. Sometimes you just have to try.

Britney and her husband met me near where I live to pick up their very sentimental ring. Ending several days of frustration and sleepless nights upset with herself and believing the ring was lost forever.

If you need help finding your sentimental keepsake .. Call or Text  Stan the Metal Detector Man.., 949-500-2136 .. Available Now to help you , I WILL TRY ANYWHERE