A One Week Old Gold with Diamond Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned at St. Pete Beach, Florida

A One Week Old Gold With Diamond Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned at St Pete Beach, Florida

Paul and Paula traveled from Rugby in the UK to Orlando, Florida for their wedding just one week earlier. After celebrating with family and friends, they traveled to Saint Pete Beach for a family honeymoon. On the Sunday following their wedding day, their new family were enjoying themselves in the warm sun and gulf waters. Paul was out about waist deep and was passing a football toward the beach when he felt something weird on his ring finger. When he looked down his one week old wedding band was gone.

The whole family looked and looked but could not find it. They saw a man metal detecting on the sand and asked if he could help but his detector could not go into the water. He told them about the SRARC group that will come out and search for lost items and Paul found them on the internet that night. Paul called Tom on Monday and he responded right away but the high waves keep him from doing a good search so he gave up went home and organized a group hunt for the next day. The group (Tom Jones, Ed Osmar, Rick Magyar, Mark Sillence, Mike Miller) showed up at low tide on Tuesday.

Tom organized the hunters into a line working from the deeper water toward shore. On the second pass Mike got lucky and when he dug the signal there was the wedding ring. He held the ring up and nodded to Paul who rushed out into the water and verified it was his ring. Needless to say we got a lot of smiles and hugs from both Paul and Paula.

SRARC would like to wish them many years of happiness ahead. It was our pleasure to be able to return the wedding ring to Paul’s finger.

11-3-2015 (5) 11-3-2015 11-3-2015 (2)


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Tampa Bay Area

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in the Tampa area  can help locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard. If you lost your RING or other precious item “Don’t Wait-Call Now!”


www.theringfinders.com                                        SRARC



Don’t Wait…..Call now!

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One Reply to “A One Week Old Gold with Diamond Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned at St. Pete Beach, Florida”

  1. Mike Miller says:

    Paul Sedgwick. Words cannot convey how much it meant to myself and my wife Paula with the offer of help to find my ring and the calling of fellow hunters to aid in this search. The heart ache of losing something so cherished and irreplaceable left a heavy weight on my shoulders as the ring could be replaced, but never truly the same as when it was given and received. Morning after morning we would walk the shore line in some hope Mother Nature would look kindly on us and return the ring, but this never happened and we were resigned to the fact of this loss….then we were told by a fellow hunter on the beach of the guy’s to call. Tom’s confidence of if my information was good where it was lost would lead to finding it was beaten by the tide, but another day would come. Still anxious, as we leave on Thursday I got told I would get a call, and Mike rang our hotel room to say “we got a team coming and will meet you on the beach at 11……we’re going to find that ring!” The confidence in his voice gave me some reassurance, and sure enough at 11 that morning five hunters assembled. They listened to where I was where I thought the ring was lost and off they went, uniformed and with a sweeping strategy of, in the grand scheme of things a big bit of ocean. Looking from the shore line with every rattle of their sand scoops finding metal we got hopeful, but no result…but then after 20 minutes or so Mike rattled his scoop and raised a smile and hand carefully holding my lost ring……I was overcome with joy, not just with the fact I had been reunited with something so precious, but the fact being from the UK, I’m from out of town and with a phone call I had at our disposal a team with a common goal…to find the ring….and they did…..so from the bottom of what was an empty heart that you gents filled, We will be forever grateful and never forget our time with the Suncoast Reasearch and Recovery Club, and individually Tom Jones, Ed Osmar, Rick Magyar, Mark Silence thank you for giving your time to come and look, but special thanks to Mike Miller, the big dog, who found the ring. much love from me and mine, to you and yours. Paul & Paula.xx

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