How to Find a Gold Ring Lost in a Grass Field ... Dana Point, CA... Using a Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)













Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136

***  Jim called me after finding my contact information at metal detecting specialists directory. He had lost a large gold ring that was past down to him by his father. The loss happened earlier in the afternoon while playing a friendly game of football on a grass field in Dana Point, CA.  Jim didn’t feel the ring come off his finger, but he did notice it missing just after the football game.

He and his friends spent several hours searching the 50 x 30 yard grass field. He went to a local sporting goods store purchasing a metal detector that just frustrated him trying to use with so much metal trash in the old park.  It was already dark before he called me, but I agreed to meet him to see the location. The most important factor of most searches is to get the best idea of where the loss happened. It was so late that this search might have to be done the next day when it was daylight. Some public parks have 10pm closing hours.

It was already 9pm before I could begin the search. Jim had been at the park for over ten hours. He said he couldn’t leave knowing the heirloom ring that his dad had given him was in that field. It meant the world to him.

After choosing to start at the most likely end of the grass field, where there was a little lightning, progress was a little slow because of many trash targets. Two hours later, I was getting close to the end of the search zone. I was getting tired and had resorted to only checking the strong signals. It was looking like this search would have to continue tomorrow. It was possible that my grid lines were not straight, the ring could have missed. 

Then I got a strong double signal as my coil passed over a larger non ferrous object. With my high power search light I could see the gold ring in deep grass. I asked Jim to come over to answer a question about where he thought the ring could be. Then I asked him to look down. He blew up with an emotional reaction that is hard to describe. This ring that his father had give him was so important he was willing to do what ever it took to find it.  It took two hours to find finishing at 11pm. Persistence pays off again!


“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ .. Available to help now .. 949-500-2136


2 Replies to “How to Find a Gold Ring Lost in a Grass Field … Dana Point, CA… Using a Metal Detector”

  1. Brian Rudolph says:

    Great recovery Stan!

    Huge field, amazing find in
    the backstretch of your search! Beyond cool! I loved your reveal!

  2. Mike McInroe says:

    Great idea to have a good strong flashlight for those night searches! What kind of light do you use?

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