Lost White Gold Wedding Band .. Venice Beach, CA. .. Recovered

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Saturday Aug. 1, 2015

Kristy called me about 7pm from Venice Beach. She had lost he wedding ring believing it was in the sand at the beach. I was more than an hour and a half from her location. It would be dark before I got where she was. I asked for the details of how she lost it, before wasting her time waiting for me.
Kristy and her husband had spent the day with their two children at the beach. She put her two wedding rings in a pocket of her backpack. She believed that one of the rings may have fallen out sometime while getting things out of her backpack. She didn’t realize it was missing until she got back to the car. Returning to the lifeguard station near where they had been, the lifeguard on duty told her about TheRingFinders.
After I heard her story I told her there was a good possibility that the ring could be there. If she could wait to show me where they were sitting it could be an easy find.
Arriving at 8:30pm, we met in the Rose St.parking lot. Her husband had to stay with the kids who were sleeping in the car. Starting the search grid of about a 30 x 20 ft area. I drug my scoop down each side. I was looking for a small white gold wedding band. These can be tricky as they often sound like tin foil. The ring didn’t show up after covering that whole spot. Then Kristy told me that it could have fallen out at the nearby park. I told her to wait while I started to cross grid. I expanded 10ft outside the original box. The second pass north/south “Bam” a huge tinfoil sound. Wedding band in the scoop. I actually found it on the drag marker wher I had started my first pass. It’s game of inches as Chris Turner often says. A grateful lady smiling has her wedding back where it belongs. The family outing turned out to be a long day, but instead of a bad memory. Kristy and her family will remember this day as a good day at the beach. So will I . I hope I never get tired of seeing miracles.

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