Promise Ring & Wedding Ring Lost Rapperswill Park Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Jamie called me asking if I could help him locate his wife’s rings lost 10 days ago at Rapperswill Park while playing ball with her two boys.  Jamie told me he had purchased a metal detector and been searching every night for three hours for the past 10 days with no luck!

I agreed to do a seach of the area with Jamie so I meet Jamie at the park. He had his detector with him so I asked him to show me how he was using it and I noticed he was swinging the coil to fast and to high off the ground. I did a factory reset on his detector and told him to swing low and slow!

Jamie showed me the approximately the area where they were playing .  The area was roughly 100′ x 100′. I quickly searched the area and had the feeling that the rings where not where Jamie thought they could be so I told Jamie to ask his wife to come out and show us where she felt her rings had fallen,  She pointed out the area where they played and the area where she exited the park.  I  searched the area with Jamie and after three hours of seaching and as the sun was going down, we found the rings.

Jamie was over the moon to have the rings back after so many long stressfull and sleepless nights!

Thank you Jamie, it was a pleasure assisting you to reunite the rings and to have them back on your wife’s finger.




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